Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Estelle raised her eyebrows ‘T be invincible if I get to level 10

Jonathan looked at her excited expression totally smitten. He couldn’t help but to her head. Don’t get too cocky, it’s just an extra dif

Estelle snorted softly. “Well at least I get one and you got none

Jonathan smiled, holding her hand as they went to buy other ingredients

They gradually bought all the stuff they needed. When they passed by the ice cream freezer, Estelle stopped, hesitated but didnt dans to speak up and then stently

walked away

To make up for the loss of not having ice cream, Estelle went to the food section to pick out some chocolates

When she came out with the chocolates, the saw Jonathan picking out fruits

The worker, clearly a bit nervous in front of Jonathan, introduced a few kinds of fruit to him. Her envious thoughts were all over his face. He’s so handsome, nich. and considerate What a catch!”

She wondered which girl had such good luck!

When he saw Estelle approaching Jonathan, she suddenly realized that the world was still fair, after all!

The two of them shopped for half an hour and returned home with a full load of groceries.

Back at home, Estelle watched Jonathan busy cooking and suddenly realized that it wasn’t her skills being trained, but his!

After cleaning up, Jonathan washed his hands and changed into a light gray shirt. Seeing Estelle sitting on the couch watching a movie, he sat down next to her and naturally placed his hand on her belly, “Does it still hurt?”

Estelle shook her head, “Much better!”

Jonathan rubbed her belly for a while, then turned down the volume on the TV and leaned in to kiss her, holding her chin gently.

The afternoon sunlight shone through the window as the two kissed on the couch. Estelle clutched at Jonathan’s sleeves, crumpling them. Jonathan held her lips gently, lost in the passionate kiss. With each kiss, the air became a little more ambiguous.


Autumn afternoons were brief and the sunlight streaming through the window shifted from burning hot to warm yellow and then to orange-red…

“With Estelle resting against Jonathan’s chest and sucking on a lollipop, she felt drowsy. The peaceful afternoon made her want this moment to last forever

Seeing her laziness, Jonathan softly laughed and asked, “Shall we cook dinner? If you don’t want to, we can go to Courtney’s place.”

Estelle shook her head and mumbled with the candy in her mouth, “The ingredients are all ready, wouldn’t it be a waste if we don’t cook?*

“Then I’ll cook, and you can rest for a bit Jonathan caressed her face with a gentle gaze

“Together” Estelle stood up and stretched, “Can’t let you secretly level up your skill without me!”

Jonathan smirked, speaking softly, “What’s mine is yours!”

Estelle blushed and shot him a sidelong glance, heading towards the kitchen.

After glancing at the recipe, Jonathan began methodically cooking Estelle even doubted whether this was his first time cooking because he seemed so skilled!

As Jonathan chopped the tomatoes, he said, “Don’t doubt it, this is indeed my first time!”

He looked at her with a smile, “My first time cooking is for you, are you even more touched now?”

Estelle protested, “I made pasta for you for the first time too!”

Jonathan was speechless.

That plate of pasta was indeed unforgettable for him!

Estelle placed a few slices of tomato the had cut into a bowl

Jonathan looked over What are you doing?

Fat it it’s delicious” Estelle laughed.

Jonathan frowned. “The tomato in raw

Estelle scooped up a spoonful and brought it to Jonathan’s mouth Tryin.


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