Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

Brooke covered her face, staring at Manley in shock!

Manley grabbed Estelle’s wrist, glanced at Brooke and Saul, and laughed, “Whoever dares to mess with Estellet I disdain to hit women, but whoever messes with Estelle, i dont care who she is, I’ll hit her!”

The man put one hand in his pocket, his arrogant words making the whole store go quiet.

Brooke blinked, not daring to refute, but said coldly. “Estelle is Mr. Scott’s girlfriend? Then what about her spending our Saul’s money?”

She insisted that Estelle spent Saul’s money, making people think that Estelle was a gold digger!

Manley laughed and sarcastically said, “My girl spending other people’s money? You sure?”

Brooke stopped talking

Manley looked at Saul again, “You tell your woman yourself, has Estelle ever spent your money?”

Saul also calmed down at this point, glanced at Estelle, and said, “No, I haven’t been in touch with Estelle for a long time.” novelbin

Manley sneered

He looked at Brooke, who still had an unconvinced look on her face, and turned to the cashier, speaking softly. “You still charge Estelle for eating dessert in the store, how come you don’t recognize your own boss?”

The cashier was stunned, and so was everyone else.

They looked at Manley puzzled

Manley said in a low voice, “If you don’t recognize Estelle, call your store manager over!”

“Yes!” the cashier glanced at Manley cautiously and immediately called the store manager

At this point, Emily came out of the restroom and saw a group of people surrounding Estelle, exclaiming, “What happened?”

Estelle gave her a helpless expression, every time she encountered Brooke, there would be some trouble, when would it aver stop?

Soon, the store manager came down from the second floor, seeing these people crowded around the cashier, she was stunned too. The cashier went over and whispered a few words to the store manager.

The manager approached Estelle with a respectful attitude, walking directly towards her. ‘Are you Ms. Macclain?‘ she asked. Estelle nodded in confirmation, saying, “Yes.”

Immediately the manager apologized, “I’m sorry, but since you’ve never been here before, the staff didn’t recognize you! Let me introduce myself first. I’m Tamia, the manager of this branch”

Tamia had only seen the shareholder change agreement for Sweet Whispers Bakery and knew that Estelle was now the owner. However, she had never actually seen her in


Tamia had received a fax from Estelle, who had identified herself as the shareholder of the pastry shop. In the fax, Estelle had mentioned that the monthly dividend belonging to the majority shareholder would be donated to underprivileged children in the name of Sweet Whispers Bakery. This had surprised and impressed Tamia, increasing her curiosity about Estelle’s identity

Finally, the day had arrived when Tamia could meet Estelle in person.

Manley sneered, “Finally, there’s someone with a clear head!”

The manager was also embarrassed, saying to the cashier and other staff, “This is Ms. Macclain, the owner of our company, come over and greet her!”

The cashier looked at Estelle in surprise, and the other staff onlookers also ran over, pushing Brooke and the others away, standing neatly in a row, and shouting, “Hello, boss!”


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