Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Carson immediately refused. “Nah, I prefer obedient and gentle ones!”

Josiah helplessly shrugged, “Anyway, as long as you guys know, don’t joke around later to avoid awkwardness!

“Got it in the cafeteria, there were a few girls sitting on the sofa, all brought by Andrew and his friends as their girlfriends, each dressed exquisitely, just like Barbie dolls. Andrew’s girlfriend introduced them to the group, Anice greeted them and took a seat on the sofa in the corner.

One of the girls named Selina asked Andrew’s girlfriend, “Jane, is Yvonne coming today?

“She should be Just as Andrew’s girlfriend Jane replied, her phone rang She took a glance and immediately showed it to others, ‘Perfect timing, Yvonne just called me!” She quickly answered the phone, sweetly calling out, “Yvonne!”

Yvonne laughed Jane, have you guys all arrived”

“Yeah, almost everyone is here, we’re just waiting for you and Mr. Lamont

“Jonathan hasnt arrived yet?”

“He should be here soon!”

Yvonne’s voice was gentle, I’m stuck in traffic here, Ill be a bit late.”

“No rush, be safel


After hanging up the phone, Selina asked, “Jane, do you keep in touch with Yvonne?”

Jane looked proud yes, we text each other from time to time.”

Everyone else immediately showed envious expressions. Even though this group of people often hung out together, having a good relationship with the famous actress placed her on a different level

Selina lowered her voice and asked Jane. “I heard that Yvonne and Mr. Lamont were a couple back then, is it true?”

Jane confidently said, ‘It’s true, Andrew and Mr. Foster know about it too!”

“Then Estelle is the homewrecker? Selina raised her eyebrows.

Jane sneered. She was a tutor for the Lamont family, and not long after, she got together with Mr. Lamont. What do you think?”

“I feel bad for Yvonne. She was working hard and when she came back, her boyfriend had been taken away!‘ Another girl sighed, shaking her head.

“Estelle seems so nice, I didn’t expect her to be this kind of person!”

Jane laughed. “If it were you, being with Mr. Lamont every day, wouldn’t you fall for him?”

The girl replied, “If he already has a girlfriend, I wouldn’t do such a vile thing!”

Selina asked again, “Does Yvonne know about Estelle and Mr. Lamont being together now?”

“No” Jane said seriously, “Andrew reminded me not to let it slip to Yvonne. You guys be careful too, don’t mention it in front of Yvonne!

“So everyone knows except Yvonne? Selina sighed, “Indeed, the real girlfriend is always the last to know!”

“Who’s the real girlfriend?”

Everyone turned around and saw Amiee, who had been silent since she came in.

Amiee stood up, coldly staring at Selina, “Did Jonathan ever tell you that Yvonne is his girlfriend?”

Selina’s face turned pale, but she didn’t say anything.

“Does having a ex girlfriend mean you can’t have a new one?‘ Amiee asked, “Does your current boyfriend have any ex-girlfriends? Does that make you a homewrecker?”

Selina was speechless, her face awkward

Amiee then looked at the other girl, “You said Estelle is vile? Then what about you gossiping behind her back? Are you any better? Are you going to say it to Estelle’s face?”

The girl glared, her face mortified


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