Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 517

Chapter 517

Chapter 517

Chapter 517

Emily nodded, “If the child in her belly is my brother’s, I’ll write whatever they want and never mention this again. But if it isn’t…”

For her family, it would be a storm!

But deceiving themselves would only bring more trouble, better to be clear from the start!

“Right,” Charlie nodded. “Let’s wait until after the holidays and then look into it”

Emily gratefully looked at Charlie’s thoughtfulness, nodding sincerely. “Thank you!”

Charlie smiled. “Where are you gonna go?”

Emily hesitated, then said, “Home”

“Your rented apartment? I heard from Estelle that your roommate often brings her boyfriend there. With today being a holiday, they must be together. Why would you want to go back?”

Emily looked down, not saying anything. She really had nowhere else to go.

Charlie said, “My mom asked me to go home later, but I could go back a little later and hang out with you! Where do you wanna go?

Emily quickly shook her head. “it’s okay, just go home. Don’t make your mom worry!”

“Don’t worry! Even if I go back early I’ll probably have nothing to do except for having some tea and chit chat with my dad.” Charlie thought for a moment, “How about a movie? Wanna go?”

Emily smiled and nodded, “Sure!”

They sat for a while longer before Charlie’s driver came to pick them up. They got into the car, and the driver respectfully said that everything was arranged at the theater.

Once they walked into the nearby movie theatre, there were staff who led them directly to the screening room, no tickets needed. Emily secretly wondered how Charlie managed to pull this off. The cinema was packed since it was a holiday, and the tickets should have been fully booked since the night before.

A waiter came pushing a food cart, filled with fruit juice, popcorn, chips, and a variety of snacks. Then they got to choose the


That is, they could choose whatever movie was currently playing

Emily picked a newly released comedy, thinking it would be more suitable for the two of them.

To be honest, this was the first time Charlie had been to the movies with a girl. All his previous dates with girlfriends were either going overseas, taking yacht trips, or shopping….

He went to the movies just for Emily.

As the movie started, the theater darkened, and Emily focused on the screen while sipping her juice.

The comedy was hilarious, and Emily temporarily forgot her troubles, even laughing happily.

Charlie looked at her contentedly out of the corner of his eye.

After watching one movie, they felt unsatisfied, so they randomly picked a recently very popular romance movie.

In one scene, the male lead passionately kissed the female lead against a wall. The shot focused on their faces.

The theater was dim and quiet, with only Emily and Charlie. The kissing lasted for several minutes, making Emily blush and feel slightly embarrassed.

She reached down for her juice, only to see Charlie pick up her juice in a very natural manner and take a sip.

Emily felt her heart flutter but pretended not to notice.


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