Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

Everyone had their own thoughts, but Inman was genuinely happy for Estelle. She had seen those designs, and they were unique. and visually refreshing, just perfect. She was surprised that Estelle had completed them all by herself!

Hannah looked at Estelle and said nonchalantly, “Not bad, keep up the good work!”

Estelle nodded, “Thank you!”

Hannah stood up, “Alright, meeting’s over!”

As Miya stood up, she glanced at Estelle, her gaze flickering, and then left in her high heels.

While packing up the materials, Alice sneered, “Inman, did you do those designs?”

She couldn’t believe that a non–professional student like Estelle could produce such perfect designs.

Inman chuckled, “Of course not. Even I couldn’t satisfy Mr. Matz that much!”

She laughed and looked at Estelle, “Ella, let’s go!”

As the two left side by side, Alice angrily slammed the materials on the table. Not only did she lose a big client, but the outcome was also extremely embarrassing!

Back at the office, Alice still had a sullen face. “Carmella, I used to think highly of you, but this time you really disappointed me!” “I trusted you with this task and you just handed it off to someone else carelessly!”

“Do you know how much AdScope pays for design fees every year? Are you going to compensate me for this loss?”

Carmella bit her lip and remained silent, waiting for Alice to let off steam. Then she spoke softly, “Sorry, I went to meet a client yesterday afternoon. I planned to revise Estelle’s work later, but I didn’t expect Mr. Matz to come so early.”

Alice snorted, “Revise? You mean mess up the perfect design?”

Carmella’s face paled, and her hands clenched involuntarily.

She closed her eyes for a moment before saying, “I will try my best to make up for it by working on other designs and I promise I will help you secure the film designer position!”

Alice’s eyes flickered, she looked up at Carmella. Considering her talent in design as Albert’s student, she might indeed be able to help.

Her expression softened slightly, and she said softly, “Forget about today’s matter. It was my own carelessness, I can’t blame you entirely.”

“Thank you, Alice!” Carmella softly replied.

“Alright, get back to work!”

“I’ll get to it then!”

After Carmella left the office, her face darkened.

No one Estelle’s desk, so she was probably at Inman’s office. Carmella glanced coldly and headed towards the break room. Jessica was making coffee in the break room. She pretended to apologize, “Carmella, I’m really sorry. If I hadn’t asked you to go shopping yesterday, this wouldn’t have happened!”

Carmella knew Jessica was mocking her, and she secretly resented it. She grabbed her cup, poured some water, and responded with a faint smile, “It’s alright, Estelle’s just really talented. But if I were you, I would be very worried right now!”

“Why would I worry?” Jessica propped her coffee with one hand, the other wrapped around her arm, leaning on the table, and looked puzzled.

Carmella casually replied, “You and Estelle came here together. You’re the professional one with achievements, but now you’re not doing as well as her. Aren’t you anxious?”

Jessica’s face darkened, “She just got lucky, you think I’ll look up to her?”

Carmella raised her eyebrows, “Regardless of what you think, Estelle already secured her first client. You should think about how to catch up with her!”

Jessica snorted, “It’s just an advertisement. I don’t care! The designer for Mr. Mayfield’s movie will be decided soon. We’ll see who has the real skills then!”

Carmella raised her eyebrows, picked up her cup, and turned to leave.


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