Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

They were very satisfied after reviewing it and only suggested some minor changes. They also signed another non–disclosure agreement

Inman called Estelle over, handed her the agreement, and instructed her, “Take this to Director Carlin, she needs to sign it.”

“Alright, I’m on it!‘ Estelle took the agreement to Hannah’s office.

When she entered after knocking on the door, Hannah was on the phone and just glanced at her.

After waiting for about five minutes, Hannah hung up the phone. Estelle approached and handed her the agreement.

Hannah pushed it aside, lowered her eyes, and said indifferently, “Wait a sec, I’m busy. I’ll look at it after I’m done, you can wait outside.” Estelle reminded her, “Inman and the client are waiting for this agreement.”

Hannah looked up with a serious expression, “Are you ordering me around?”

“Sorry!” Estelle said and went outside to wait.

Over on Inman’s side, the guest wanted to review the design drawings and other materials with the manager. Inman readily agreed but she noticed Estelle hadn’t returned yet.

Just then, Carmella walked by. Inman called out, “Carmella, Estelle’s not here. Could you help me photocopy these materials?” Carmella agreed with a smile and took the materials to the copy room.

She separated the materials and copied them individually. Halfway through, she suddenly froze.

There were a few clothing design sketches tucked among the papers, unrelated to jewelry.

Inman must have accidentally mixed her clothing sketches in while organizing the materials. She pulled them out and casually flipped through, becoming more and more surprised.

She and Alice thought Inman’s expertise was in jewelry design and that she wasn’t great at clothing. They considered Miya their main competitor and focused on her movements.

But the sketches in her hand were astonishing!

The clothing’s curves, colors, and styles were all eye–catching. And these were just sketches – if made with the specified fabric material, they’d be stunning on the actors!

Carmella was shocked; they had let their guard down!

Luckily, she discovered these sketches in advance.

Just as she was about to return the sketches, she thought of the designs she promised to make for Alice. Still with no inspiration, Alice had urged her several times.

She needed Alice’s recommendation for her promotion to designer next month. She had previously offended Alice over an advertising issue. If she didn’t show good performance, would Alice recommend her for the position?

She had to become an official designer and be one step ahead of Estelle!

Carmella’s eyes gleamed with determination. She closed the door of the copy room, took out her phone, and snapped pictures of the sketches.

Her heart raced after taking the pictures. She hesitated and placed the clothing sketches under a stack of papers.

Having finished copying the materials, she returned them to Inman.

Inman took them with a smile, “Thank you, Carmella!”

“You’re welcome!” Carmella replied with a graceful smile and turned to leave.

Inman handed the copies to the client and looked back, frowning when he saw Estelle still hadn’t returned.


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