Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

When Estelle returned, the party was coming to an end, and Inman asked, “Where’ve you been? I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

Estelle replied, “There’s a garden outside. I went out for some fresh air.”

“Well, good thing you didn’t get lost,” Inman joked. “The party’s about to be over. We can leave early. Wanna head out now?”


Hannah was chatting with several assistant directors, Miya and Alice were having a blast, and Jessica was drinking with a manager from the investor side. It seemed like they wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

Inman told Hannah she’d be taking Estelle and leaving first.

Downstairs, Inman asked, “How are you getting back? I drove here myself and called for a designated driver. Wanna give you a ride?”

“No need, I’ll just grab a cab!” Estelle replied.

“Alright, it’s pretty late. Stay safe!” Inman waved to Estelle, got in her car, and left.

Another car pulled up, and the driver got out, respectfully saying, “Ms. Macclain, please get in. Mr. Lamont asked me to take you home.” Before Estelle could ask any questions, her phone rang, so she answered.

Jonathan said, “Don’t wait for Magdalen. She’s with Morrison, and who knows when they’ll be done. I won’t drive you myself, but you can take my car.”

Looking down, Estelle whispered, “Okay, I’ll go home first.”

“Don’t forget to wait for me after you shower!” Jonathan added.

Estelle’s face turned red, and she mumbled an agreement before quickly hanging up.

Even though she knew the driver couldn’t hear Jonathan’s words, she still felt a bit embarrassed, keeping her head down as she got into the car.

Not far away, Carmella was sitting in her car, eyeing the luxurious Maybach in front of her, narrowing her eyes.

How come Estelle got to ride in such a fancy car? Who was inside?

As soon as the car drove away, Carmella instructed her driver, “Follow that car!”

She was determined to find out who Estelle had managed to latch onto.

After leaving the hotel and driving through a couple of streets, Jonathan’s driver kept checking the rearview mirror, and only after deliberately making a turn did he tell Estelle with certainty. “Ms. Macclain, we’re being followed!”

Estelle had already noticed but remained calm. “Get rid of them!”

“Yes, ma’am!” The driver complied, flooring the gas pedal.

Two streets later, the Macclain family’s driver had lost the car they were tailing and awkwardly said, “Miss, the car ahead must’ve noticed us and deliberately shook us off!”

Carmella’s face turned ashen with anger. “You can’t even follow a car properly, what a waste!” After sighing, she leaned back in her seat, “Fine, let’s go home.”


At work, Alice and Miya were still talking about last night’s party. Miya glanced around and whispered, “Last night, Jessica left in an Audi.”

Alice immediately caught on, “I knew something was off between her and President Raye last night!”

As they chatted, Jessica entered the office in high heels, greeting both Alice and Miya with a beaming smile.

Alice’s gaze fell on the scarf wrapped around Jessica’s neck, and both she and Miya exchanged knowing glances before chuckling. With some pre-work gossip out of the way, a new week officially began.

At the regular morning meeting, Inman and the others sorted and submitted their design drafts to Hannah.

Hannah glanced at Inman and asked, “I heard Ms. Sampson talked to you about her company’s jewelry design last night. How did it go?”


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