Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

The two sat down, and Emily poured Estelle a glass of red wine, and one for herself. She chuckled, Tm only having a bit, shouldn’t be a problem, Estelle.”

“If you’re about to say thank you, don’t say it.” Estelle cut her off, chuckling. “Friends help each other out, so no need for thanks”

Emily had tears in her eyes, but smiled, “Okay, let’s not say thank you, let’s drink together.”

She looked up to drink.

She looked up to drink.

Estelle frowned, “Drink less.”

“No worries!” Emily set down her glass and filled up Estelle’s plate with food.

Estelle asked, ‘Do you have a place to stay when you get there?”

“Yeah!” Emily nodded, “My classmate took the initiative to help me arrange a place to live.”

“Call me if you need anything, don’t bottle it up, remember you’re carrying a child.”

“I know!” Emily squinted her eyes in laughter, “Il take good care of him.”

They chatted and laughed, neither mentioned Charlie. Regarding the future, Emily wasn’t afraid, she was ready to start everything from scratch.

In the Midnight Bar.

Today, there were only Charlie and Jonathan in the private room, and there were several bottles of wine on the table. Charlie poured two glasses of wine, pushed a glass in front of Jonathan, and said jokingly. “I called you out suddenly, does Estelle have any objection?”

“She had her own stuff going on” Jonathan replied calmly.

Charlie gave him a stare, “So you mean if Estelle was available, you wouldn’t be here with me?”

Jonathan leaned back against the couch, lazily replied, “What do you reckon?”

Charlie seemed a bit hurt. “Haven’t you noticed you’ve changed? I’m telling you, if you keep this up, you’ll become a whipped husband!”

“I’m perfectly happy!” Jonathan responded, locking quite content

Charlie furrowed his brows, “I just got my heart broken, can you show some sympathy instead of showing off?”

Jonathan laughed, “You knew what kind of person Cynia was, you can’t play innocent with what happened the other night!”

Charlie lit a cigarette, a sarcastic smile on his face, “Am I really that pathetic?”

Yes, he knew Cynia had a boyfriend. But her boyfriend wasn’t well-off, and Cynia didn’t dare to let her family know.

If they got engaged after she broke up with her boyfriend, it might actually work out. But she was still in contact with her ex while engaged to him, that was something he couldn’t tolerate.

He pulled some strings, and now, the Bai family had proposed to call off the engagement. They even found out about Cynia’s boyfriend. As for whether they’ll give the couple their blessing, that’s up to


He felt like he’d done a good deed, letting the lovers be together

He didn’t believe in love, but he was still willing to support it “Emily is leaving tomorrow,” Jonathan said this suddenly.


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