Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

He closed his eyes, deeply inhaling her scent, and asked with a hint of discontent, “Are you seeing Hushhush?”

Amiee paused for a moment, then slowly replied, “No!”

“Then why do you go out with him every day?”

Josiah’s tone was filled with evident dissatisfaction.

Amiee calmly replied. “I’ve turned him down. I meet him because we are developing a software together He’s busy during the day, so he only has time at night

“That’s not okay, I don’t want you to be with him!” Josiah said discontentedly.

“Why not?”

Josiah’s breath was heavy with the smell of alcohol as he softly said, “Because you’re mine”

Amiee’s body stiffened slightly, but her voice quickly regained its calm, ‘Josiah, if you remember what you said when you wake up tomorrow, you’ll regret it”

Josiah’s arm braced against the wall, he slowly lifted his head, gazing into Amiee’s eyes, “Amiee,”

“Mmm Amiee lowered her head in response

“I want to kiss you” Josiah stared at her lips, his voice low and dreamy. “May 17

Amiee kept her head down and didn’t say anything

Josiah held her chin, tilted his head slightly, and slowly moved closer

Amiee whispered the moment he touched her, “Don’t bite me!

“Mmm, no bites Josiah mumbled in agreement, then kissed the corner of her lips, slowly working his way in

Josiah was like a child who had been given candy. He closed his eyes and kissed her intently, one hand against the wall, the other around Amiee’s waist, pulling her closely against him, filling the emptiness in his heart

Josiah’s warmth gradually replaced the chill on Amiee’s body His kisses almost suffocated her She turned her head to avoid him but was immediately captured by his kiss again.

The man’s breathing became heavier and his hand around her waist started to get a little frisky.

Amiee was startled and immediately tried to push his hand away

But this time, Josiah showed his stubbornness, he held her waist tightly. “No rejection, no evasion”

Amiee frowned slightly but was quickly silenced by his kiss again

After who knows how long, Josiah picked up Amiee, still kissing her as he carried her towards the bedroom

When they got to the bedroom, Amiee was put on the bed She suddenly rolled off the bed and stood up quickly

Josiah sat on the bed, looking at Amiee with a dazed expression.

“That’s it, I’m going to sleep Amiee said lightly without looking at Josiah, then turned to leave

Josiah caught up with her, “Amiee.”

Amiee pushed him back into the room and slammed the door shut

She stood outside the door for a moment, not seeing Josiah come out nor hearing any other sound, so she took a deep breath, straightened her clothes, and returned to her room

In the room, Josiah was still standing there, staring blankly at the closed door

The next morning, when Amiee woke up, she found a message from Josiah sent ten minutes ago, I’ve boiled the milk and fried the eggs. Have breakfast before you go to work. I’m leaving first]

Amiee stared at the phone screen for a few seconds, then got up and went out.

The bedroom door was hall open, the living room was empty, and Josiah had already left

Amiee leaned against the door frame, and a touch of gloom flashed in her eyes, accompanied by a self mocking smile

In the following two days, if Josiah got off work early, he would come to Amiee’s place. They would play games together and joke around, no one mentioned that night’s incident, and Josiah didn’t bring up Hushhush anymore.


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