Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Estelle was quietly enjoying her food Some colleagues she got along well with came over to have a toast with her, and she politely returned the favor

Jonathan had been watching her, and when he saw her drink three or four cups in a short time, he couldn’t help but frown

Feeling a bit dizzy, Estelle stopped drinking and turned to Gwen, asking, “Do you have any cures for a hangover?”

“You’ve had too much? Hold on Gwen rummaged through her bag and pulled out four or five different hangover cures, putting them in front of Estelle “Which flavor do you like?”


Craig looked surprised and asked, “What else do you have in your bag?”

“Here, wanna try this?” Gwen took out a lipstick.

Craig took it and scoffed, “Isn’t this just lipstick?”

As he spoke, he pressed a button on the lipstick and was immediately zapped, yelling, “Ahh!”

Turns out, it was a self-defense gadget

Everyone in the room was startled by his scream and turned to look

Craig’s fingers were tingling from the shock, and he awkwardly laughed it off, “It’s fine, it’s fine!”

How embarrassing’

The others laughed for a while before continuing to drink and chat

Craig glared at Gwen, annoyed, “Why didn’t you say something earlier? What are you doing with this thing?”

Gwen laughed so hard she could hardly breathe, “My mom gave it to me! You’re the first one to get zapped, hahaha!”


Estelle was amused by their antics. She picked up Gwen’s lipstick and thought it was interesting

The atmosphere was lively, the heat was turned up, and the room became hotter

Feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol, Estelle excused herself to the bathroom and went out to the balcony for some fresh


To her surprise, someone was already there.

Charlie turned to look at her, put out his cigarette, and chuckled, “Feeling stuffy inside?*

“Yeah,” Estelle nodded

Charlie explained, “It was Jonathan’s turn to play Truth or Dare, and he chose dare Someone dared Yvonne to light his cigarette for him Don’t

overthink it

“I’m not ” Estelle said with a faint smile

“Well, you enjoy the fresh air then I’m heading back inside!” Charlie turned to leave, but after a few steps, he stopped and asked, “How’s Emily doing?’

Estelle answered calmly. “We talked yesterday She’s got her school stuff sorted out and found a place to stay.”

What she didn’t say was that Emily had told her over the phone that her morning sickness had improved a lot since moving, and she was no longer throwing up everything like before.

“That’s good”” Charlie said, then slowly walked away

Estelle thought about Emily’s pregnancy and suddenly heard footsteps She looked up to see a man walking towards her in the backlight, staring at her intently

As Estelle looked into his eyes, her head felt dizzy from the alcohol.

Jonathan approached, his arms resting on the railing, shielding her with his body. “How much did you drink?”

They were in a dim corridor outside the private room with no lights He leaned in, and all Estelle could see was his slightly open shirt and Adam’s apple

She looked at the third button on his shirt and whispered, “I’m not drunk!*

Jonathan’s tall figure loomed over her, saying. “Do you know why I’m here? I missed you. Even if I can’t be with you, I want to be as close to you as possible”


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