Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 781

Chapter 781

Chapter 781

Chapter 781

Magdalen was a bit peeved, but she didn’t dare to make a move. With one hand propping her head, she giggled at Estelle, “If I send a video to Jonathan now, he’d be green with envy!”

Estelle gave a nonchalant smile, “Should I also send one to Morrison then?”

“We’re already hitched so he won’t get jealous of you.” Magdalen replied with a laugh.

Estelle just huffed and didn’t say anything.

She laid on the bed, her legs in the air, thumping the duvet joyfully, “When I tie the knot, you have to be my maid of honor.”

“But I’m already married. Is that okay?”

“If we keep it hush-hush, who would find out?” Magdalen chuckled. “I don’t mind, even if everyone knows. I want you to be my maid of honor. And when you and Jonathan tie the knot, I want to be yours as well.”

Her wedding with Jonathan?

Estelle suddenly felt like that was a far-off thing.

Magdalen was still lost in her imaginings, “If Jonathan could be our best man, that’d be the bee’s knees, but given his status, it’s a long shot.”

Magdalen went on chatting, while Estelle was starting to feel drowsy and closed her eyes.

Magdalen kept her awake by talking to her.

“Hey, Ella, where’s Xavier? Didn’t you say he was coming back to C City for the holiday?

Estelle responded vaguely, “He’s not coming, he’s spending the holiday with Zachary and the others.”

“Zachary and his gang aren’t going home either?”


“Well, that’s alright too. A few buddies getting together for a drink, that’s a holiday in itself!”

Estelle pretended to listen with her eyes closed, occasionally chiming in. Just as she was about to doze off, her cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

“It’s gotta be Jonathan!” Magdalen laughed.

Estelle got out of bed to grab her phone, paused when she saw the name, and answered and put it to her ear, “Hello!”

“Asleep yet?” Xavier’s raspy voice was particularly deep in the dead of night.

“Not yet.” Estelle replied, “What’s up?”

Xavier’s voice dropped even lower, “Are you looking for Wolverine?”

Estelle kept quiet.

Xavier sounded anxious, “You want to avenge Wolf and his gang? That’s not something you can do alone! Besides, you’ve already left, why delve into this mess again?”

Estelle replied calmly, “I can’t just see Wolf and the others die in vain!”

“You avenged Wolf’s gang by taking out Lexi, you almost wiped out Wolverine’s gang, you’ve done enough!” Xavier took a deep breath, “Seriously, you’ve done more than enough. If anyone else needs to do anything, it should be me!”

“Keep your nose out of it!” Estelle said sternly.

“You’re the one who needs to back off!” Xavier retorted angrily, “Just live your life with Jonathan and stop dwelling on the past!”

Estelle didn’t want to argue with Xavier about this, “It’s late. Go to bed. We’ll talk after the holidays!”

“Stella!”Xavier suddenly shouted her name, “Promise me you’ll stay safe. If you see Wolverine, don’t act rashly, I’ll be there.”

“Zachary and the others still need you.”

“You matter more to me than anyone else!”

Estelle was at a loss for words.

After a moment of silence, they both hung up.

Magdalen sat up, looking at Estelle in shock, “Estelle!”

Estelle pivoted, her countenance devoid of emotion, before climbing into bed and drawing the covers up. “Let’s get some rest,” she remarked-flatly.

Magdalen also turned off the bedside lamp and lay down, but she couldn’t fall asleep.

After a while, Magdalen softly asked, “Estelle, what the hell happened that year?”


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