Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Amiee turned around, looking at Josiah with a hint of surprise.

A few days ago, Josiah had gotten a buzz cut. When he smiled, he looked as innocent as a charming boy you’d read about in books.

“Having a midnight date? Why didn’t you invite him up?” Josiah joked.

Amiee shot him a glance, but didn’t say anything.

Just as Josiah was about to say something, the elevator arrived. Amiee stepped in first.

Late at night, they were the only two in the elevator. The silence was suffocating.

Their relationship was intricate and multifaceted. Initially, they had feigned being in a romantic relationship, but as time went on, it appeared that their dynamic had evolved and shifted in unforeseen ways.

Josiah had shown signs of jealousy after a few drinks. They had even kissed a few times, but by the next day, they acted as if nothing had happened the night before. Just like now, standing in the elevator, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they exited the elevator, Amiee walked ahead to unlock the door, whispering, “The holiday is coming up. You should go home. I’m leaving tomorrow too.”

Josiah, hands in his pockets blandly stated, “I don’t want to go back.”

Without saying a word, Amiee walked straight in.

They changed their shoes at the door, one following the other into the living room. The lights were off and through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the city lights flooded in. Amiee paused, looking out at the lights. Behind each window, there might be a family preparing for the holiday-

They might not be wealthy, but they loved each other, shared the joy of the holiday, enjoyed being together.

Seeing Amiee standing still, Josiah asked, “What’s up?”

“Nothing!” Amiee shook her head.

Josiah switched on the living room light, sat on the couch, and took out his phone.

“I will play a few games and then head home.”

“I’ll take a shower, and we can team up later,” Amiee said, heading for the bedroom.

Josiah noticed Amiee’s shopping bag on the coffee table. He opened it and found it full of frozen food. She was going home, so why did she buy so much fast food?

No nutrition at all. No wonder she was so skinny!

Muttering his grievances in silence, Josiah stashed the frozen food in the refrigerator, retrieved a couple of beers, and returned to the living room.

After downing a can of beer, Amiee came out of the bedroom.

Her hair was casually tied up, and she was wearing a loose white shirt dress that covered her knees, revealing her white, delicate legs. With her indifferent expression, she was quite attractive.

She leaned on the couch and emotionlessly opened the game on her phone.

There was a team competition today that Josiah had been waiting for days. However, the faint scent of the girl next to him was distracting.

Amiee noticed, giving him a puzzled look.

Annoyed, Josiah explained, “I had some drinks and feel a bit dizzy.”

“Then you should stop playing and go home,” Amiee said indifferently, her eyes still on her phone.

Josiah put his phone aside, turned his head, and stared at Amiee.

“Are you really with Hushhush?”

“You’ve asked that many times already.”

Amiee didn’t look up, her voice was faint.

Josiah frowned, “But you never gave me an answer.”

“I did answer. You just forgot.”

Josiah, “…”


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