Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

Yvonne stood up and left through the side door, walking a few steps before spotting Jonathan sitting on a bench next to the stone path.

The dude was wearing a thin white sweater and beige pants, leaning against the bench with his legs crossed. Under the dim light, his side profile looked pretty handsome.

It was a casual pose, but somehow, on Jonathan, it seemed so posh.

Yvonne slowed down her pace, staring at his silhouette from afar.

Gone were the days of his rebellious youth, now he seemed to be more mature, oozing the vibes of a grown man. Even his expressionless face gave off a hard-to-describe pressure.

If Yvonne used to have a crush on the teenage Jonathan, now she was head over heels in love with this guy.

She became increasingly sure that she’d never meet a better man than Jonathan in her life.

So, she definitely wouldn’t let anyone snatch him away!

Jonathan’s gaze was fixed on his phone until he noticed someone approaching. He looked up, his eyes displaying a cold demeanor.

Yvonne maintained a nonchalant demeanor, smiling gently as she remarked, “Aren’t you feeling cold dressed like that?” Jonathan looked back at his phone, replying indifferently, “I’m fine.”

Yvonne sat next to him, jokingly saying, “I’m relieved you didn’t run away as soon as you saw me.”

“You’re a guest of the Lamont family today. “Jonathan’s eyes were cold, showing no emotion.

Yvonne’s heart tightened. If she was a guest at the Lamont family, then what about Estelle?

“My mom wanted to come and I was afraid you’d be upset seeing me, so I almost didn’t come. But I also really wanted to see Mrs. Lamont.”

“I’m not upset. You don’t need to speculate about Estelle and my feelings.”

Yvonne bit her lip, asking softly, “Are you happy to see me?”

Jonathan stood up, looking at her calmly, “If you can’t see our relationship for what it is, it’s better not to meet at all!”

Yvonne’s face changed slightly, looking up at him, just about to say something when she heard Henson running out, shouting, “Uncle!”

Jonathan turned around and replied, “I’m here.”

Henson walked over, politely greeted Yvonne, then told Jonathan, “Uncle, my computer won’t turn on. Can you help me?” “Sure,” Jonathan agreed, then turned and left with Henson.

Yvonne watched Jonathan’s retreating figure, tears welling up in her eyes. She wiped the corner of her eye, looking at the depths of the garden, her eyes filled with sadness.

Upon reaching the second floor and stepping into the room, Henson beamed and inquired, “Uncle, how do you plan on showing your gratitude?”

Jonathan chuckled, patting him on the head, “After the New Year, I’ll have Ms. Macclain give you some extra test papers.”


He flopped onto the sofa, hugging a pillow and snorted, “No wonder you and Ms. Macclain are like family.”

This comment made Jonathan happy, and he sat down on the sofa, smiling. “Tell me, what do you want?”

Henson immediately perked up, “I want you to take me shooting practice tomorrow. I want to use a real gun.”

“Deal!” Jonathan agreed without hesitation,

“Awesome!” Henson was so excited he almost jumped up.

Jonathan smiled.


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