Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 794

Chapter 794

Chapter 794

Chapter 794

New Year’s Day

In the morning, Estelle was woken up by the noise outside. She had been up late last night chatting with Jonathan and only got to sleep at 2am. At this point, it was still dark outside, and she had only slept for a little over three hours.

Struggling to open her sleepy eyes, Estelle fell back asleep amidst the noise.

She had a short nap, and by the time she woke up again, the sun was already high in the sky.

Sunlight poured through the window and filled the room, making the whole world seem peaceful.

Beside her bed, Estelle’s phone incessantly rang. She grabbed it and discovered a flurry of messages from her friends.

She saw a message from Jonathan: “Ella, good morning!”

Estelle replied, “Good morning!

Jonathan quickly called her, his voice sounding lazy and deep, as if he had just woken up too. “Ella, I dreamt about you last night.”

Estelle rolled over and lay on her stomach, laughing casually. “What did you dream about?”

Jonathan’s voice became lower, “I dreamt about the night of your birthday.”

Estelle’s eyes widened slightly, her ears turned red, and the palm holding her phone became hot. “I need to get up now. Are you busy today? If not, don’t bother me.”

“Ella, I miss you!” Jonathan’s tone was gentle and ambiguous.

“I found it!” Estelle mumbled in response.


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