Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 825

Chapter 825

Chapter 825

Chapter 825


During a break from filming, Yvonne took the initiative to hand Gwen a bottle of water, complimenting her, “You did great just now, even Mr. Mayfield said your acting skills are getting better and better, you’ve really immersed yourself into the character!”

“Really?” Gwen’s eyes were filled with excitement, “Did Mr. Mayfield really say that?”

“Yep!” Yvonne nodded with a smile, “You’re naturally talented at acting. I might even need to learn from you in the future!”

Gwen immediately responded modestly, “Don’t joke around Yvonne, I’d be content if I could achieve half of your success!”

After taking a sip of water, Yvonne casually asked, “I wanted to go over some lines with you at lunch, but your assistant said you were out eating. Did you go ou with Estelle?”

“Right!” Gwen vaguely replied.

“I heard you guys often go to Smokestack BBQ, do you know the owner or is the barbecue just really good?”

Yvonne was easygoing with a smile on her face, making her seem very friendly

Seeing her friendly and relaxed demeanor, Gwen’s guard immediately dropped.

She had always admired Yvonne, “Estelle knows the owner of the BBQ place, so she often brings us there. But I have to admit, the food is really delicious.” A hint of surprise flashed in Yvonne’s eyes.

Estelle knows Gonzalez?

“Is the owner the one with the beard, tall and handsome?”

“Yes!” Gwen nodded repeatedly, “Mr. Flemmings is super cool!”

“His surname is Flemmings?”


“Are him and Estelle close?”

“They should be good friends. Estelle always eats for free at his place. Mr. Flemmings even takes special care of her, making her favorite dishes. We’re just riding on Estelle’s coattails.”

Yvonne asked a few more questions about the BBQ place. The more she asked, the more surprised she got. How did Estelle become friends with Gonzalez? And according to Gwen, Gonzalez’s BBQ place hasn’t been open for long, just before they started filming.

He returned to J City but didn’t go home. Instead, he opened a small BBQ place here.

What were he and Estelle planning?

Also, Estelle, who seemsed to be just a student, knew some unusual people – Jonathan, Gonzalez, and that man she saw with her the other day!

She had someone look into Estelle before, but found nothing. The more it was like this, the more she felt that Estelle was not simple!


Gwen saw Yvonne deep in thought.

Yvonne snapped back to reality, her expression unchanged, “Actually, I’m quite envious of you and Estelle, so full of youthful energy.”

“You can join us if you want, Yvonne!” Gwen enthusiastically invited her.

“Really? I’d love to be friends with you. By the way,” Yvonne’s expression became even more friendly, “this weekend, there’s a charity gala, all the top people in the industry are invited, do you want to go?”

Gwen was taken aback, “I didn’t receive an invitation, and would it be appropriate for me to go?”

After all, she was just a not–so–famous actress now.

“It’s fine, I’ll say you’re my friend and introduce you to some friends in the industry.” Yvonne smiled gently.

Gwen was so excited she didn’t know what to say. Yvonne’s friends were naturally famous figures in the industry. If she got to know these people, her social network would be completely different.

“Are you going?” Yvonne asked.

“Of course!” Gwen’s eyes sparkled with excitement.


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