Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 837

Chapter 837

Chapter 837

Chapter 837

As long as you leave the country with a big wad of cash, it was way more cushy than staying at home

Nicolas despised the Lamont family. And thinking about Norah’s cold–heartedness, he rashly agreed to Jack’s plan to kidnap Norah

They hastily cobbled together a kidnapping plan and rent an abandoned yard next to the Movie Center. So far, things had been going pretty smoothly today

“Are you going or not?” Jack pushed Nicolas

Nicolas hesitated and then chickened out. “Let’s just get the money and leave her alone!”

“Coward!” Jack mocked him, stood up and headed into the house, “If you’re not doing it, I will!”

Scared of the Lamont family’s power and influence, Nicolas wanted to stop Jack but got shoved aside, “Either you’re in or stay put!”

Nicolas slamed into the wall and watched Jack go in without making a move. After all, even if Norah got violated, that had nothing to do with him!

Soon, Norah’s terrified screams could be heard from inside the house, “Don’t touch me, get away!”

“Nicolas, Nicolas help me!

“You said you wouldn’t hurt me!”


Norah’s fear–stricken voice was mixed with heart–wrenching sobs.

Nicolas remembered the good times they had and suddenly rushed into the house.

Inside, Norah’s coat and sweater had been torn off, revealing her camisole. Two guys were holding her arms while Jack was untying the ropes around her feet, spewing a slew of obscenities.

Norah struggled fiercely, eyes brimming with rage, “Just kill me, kill me!”

Nicolas tried to stop, “Jack!”

Hearing Nicolas voice, Norah looked up, her face streaked with tears, “Nicolas, please, help me!”

In a moment of weakness, Nicolas stepped forward to stop Jack, “Once the Lamonts pay up, you can have any woman you want. Why bother with this?”

Jack sneered, “No amount of money can buy a night with a Lamont girl!”

Jack, just drop it! Nicolas tried to persuade him again.

But Jack didn’t want to hear it, and signaled the other two, “Send Nicolas outside for a bit!”

The two men pushed Nicolas towards the door, “Nicolas, if you don’t want to watch, go downstairs and rest!”

Nicolas shook one off, “You guys are asking for trouble doing this!”

Jack lost his patience, “How about this, when the money comes in, we each give you a million. That should do it!”

Three million for sleeping with a woman? Now that was an astronomical price! Nicolas‘ face stiffened, and his eyes flickered, looking at Jack hesitantly.

“No, no!” Norah shook her head in fear, “Nicolas, I can give you money, as much as you want!”

Nicolas knew he was not getting any money from Norah

Jack said coldly, “Three million, Nicolas, think about it!”

Nicolas dropped his gaze, determination flited across his eyes. He forcefully recalled how the Lamont family ruined his future, the mockery he received back home. and Norah’s heartlessness

So, this was what the Lamonts deserved!

Ignoring Norah’s cries for help, he turned and walked out of the room.


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