Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Estelle was taken aback by his attitude, “How could you say that?”

Jonathan took a deep breath, his arm resting on his long legs, his hands clasped together, “Norah doesn’t have any street smarts, but you should’ve told me about this.”

Estelle began to explain, “Did you know about Norah’s kidnapping? Actually, this whole thing…”

“I didn’t mean that!” Jonathan cut her off, “Nicolas did this, it’s got nothing to do with Xavier, and I won’t just drag Xavier and his guys into this.”

He continued, “But Xavier and his crew, they’re all men, and most of them have a sketchy past. You let Norah hang around with these types of people, did you even consider the consequences?”

Estelle blinked, her voice calm, “I think you’re being biased. Sure, Zachary and the others have messed up before, but they’re good people. They treat Norah like a little sister, they look after her!”

“Not bad guys?” Jonathan looked at Estelle with a frown, “What makes someone a bad guy? Do we have to wait until something happens to know who the bad guys are? Even if you trust Xavier, trust his crew, they’re still men at the end of the day. Do you know what goes through a man’s mind when they’re around women? If something were to happen, who would be there to take the fall for Norah?”

Estelle retorted coolly, “In the end, you just look down on Xavier and his crew!”

If Norah was friends with boys of her own status, he wouldn’t be so touchy about it!

Jonathan chuckled, “Why should I respect them? A bunch of ex–cons, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t even be seen at a place owned by people like them!”

Estelle stared at him, shocked and speechless. Should she defend Xavier and Zachary and the rest? No, no matter how much she tried to explain, Jonathan would stick to his prejudices. He’d had everything handed to him since birth, how could he empathize with people who’ve had to struggle?

Seeing Estelle’s silence, Jonathan knew his outburst had upset her. He softened his voice, “I’m not blaming you, I know you didn’t see this coming. Not just with Norah, you should also keep your distance from Xavier and his crowd.“.

“Because I’m the girlfriend of the Lamont Group’s boss, I can’t be friends with ordinary people?” Estelle asked quietly, her head lowered.

“You know that’s not what I meant!” Jonathan frowned,

The room suddenly fell silent, the dim light casting a gloomy shadow over the two of them, the usual warmth replaced by a cold chill.

After a while, Jonathan said, “It’s late, you should go to bed.”

Estelle didn’t say a word; she simply got up and went to the bedroom. She felt uneasy. Sure, she should’ve told him about Norah, but his prejudice against Xavier was hard for her to swallow.

She couldn’t explain to him that Xavier had thought things through. He had wanted Norah to leave, but it was Norah who insisted on staying!

She lay in bed, staring at the moonlight outside, unable to fall asleep,

This was their first fight since they confessed their feelings for each other. Estelle’s mood was heavy. She closed her eyes, feeling a hint of disappointment..

It was a while before Jonathan came in, he must’ve just showered as the air was filled with a faint scent of body wash.

Jonathan turned off the lamp, leaned over from behind, wrapped his arm around Estelle, and whispered, “Ella, I really didn’t blame you. I was just uncertain about some things, that’s why I lost control.”

Estelle didn’t respond.

Jonathan didn’t say anything else; he just held her like that.

Over the next two days, Jonathan always came home late, occasionally getting into bed only after Estelle had fallen asleep. Whether Estelle was asleep or not, Jonathan would always hold her from behind when they slept, but they weren’t as affectionate as before.

Estelle was a bit confused, she didn’t know what he was thinking. Norah had obediently quit her job and gone home, what was he still upset about?

Norah had gone home, but she was still worried about Xavier’s injury. She was afraid that Zachary and the others might be careless and forget to change Xavier’s dressing; afraid they would let Xavier smoke without restraint; afraid they would give Xavier spicy food.

Her uncle didn’t tell her family about what happened, but he made her stay at home and study, not allowing her to go to the barbecue restaurant again.


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