Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

The matter with Norah was over, the two reconciled as before, and he treated her as well as before, but Estelle always felt that something is different, there seemed to be a barrier between the two, which made her feel lost and confused. A gust of wind blew in, and the chilly raindrops hit her neck. She shivered uncontrollably. After closing the window, Estelle went back to her room to sleep.

The next day, when Estelle got out of bed, Jonathan was in the kitchen making breakfast

He was wearing a cream–colored thin sweater and matching pajama pants, with an apron on, heating up some milk.

Estelle walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, resting her face on his back.

Jonathan paused for a moment, put down the cup of milk, turned around and hugged Estelle. With a smile, he said, “What’s up? Are you already missing me after just one night?”

Holding him tighter, Estelle said in a pitiful tone, “Are you still mad about the thing about Norah? Whether you’re mad at Xavier or at me, just let me know, okay? We’ll sort it out together.”

Jonathan stroked her hair and murmured, “No, I’m not mad at you. I got back too late from the meeting last night. So I didn’t go back because I was afraid of waking you up..”

Estelle didn’t say anything. She didn’t know how to express her uneasiness.

Handling emotions isn’t like completing a mission where the goal is clear. As long as you know your target’s whereabouts and have a good plan, you can be foolproof…

But the emotional thing is just the opposite! Jonathan leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “What did I do wrong to make you uncomfortable?” “No!” Estelle shook her head. He didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe she was just being too sensitive.

“Stop overthinking,” Jonathan comforted her, pinching her fair cheek. “Go freshen up. Breakfast will be ready soon.”

Estelle looked up and gave him a small smile. “Okay.”

“Off you go!”

Jonathan leaned on the dressing table, watching the girl’s retreating figure, his eyes filled with meaningful light.

How could such an Estelle made him believe that she didn’t love him? If she was really just acting, then she was acting too well!…

The Lamont Family.

At ten in the morning, Cathrine took Norah and left by car.

Before the servant could close the door, suddenly a young man in a black tracksuit walked up without saying hello and headed straight for the yard.

The servant quickly went up to him and politely asked, “Hello, who are you looking for?”

The young man glanced around the villa’s large yard and garden and asked, “Is this the Lamont family’s place?”

“Yes, who are you looking for?” the servant asked again.

“I’m here to see my sister!” the young man continued to walk as he spoke.

The servant caught up with him, “Who’s your sister? Does she work for the Lamont family? If so, please wait here. That’s the master’s house over there. You’re not allowed in without permission!”

“What servant?”

The young man, who looked to be in his twenties, gave the servant a dismissive once–over and scoffed, “My sister is a tutor for the Lamont family, Jonathan’s girlfriend. You dare to stop me? Hurry up and show me in!”

A tutor? The servant asked in surprise, “Are you referring to Estelle?”

“Exactly, that’s her!” the young man declared confidently.


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