Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

But Jonathan seemed to miss her concern, simply saying, “No need. They’ve got it all set up over there.”

“Alright then. Call me once you get there!”

After hanging up the phone, Estelle lost her appetite for breakfast. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Jonathan.

She figured that maybe things at the company were serious, which was why Jonathan was in a bad mood. His insistence that it wasn’t serious was just to comfort her.

She had to believe that he could handle the problem well. All she needed to do was patiently wait for his return.

The Lamont Family.

Jonathan put down his phone, standing by the window for a long time before finally heading downstairs.

Henson had just come back from a run and was sitting, drenched in sweat, playing video games. Seeing Jonathan enter, he called out, “Uncle!”

Jonathan said, “Revise on your own this weekend. Starting from next week, you’ll have a new tutor!”

Henson looked up sharply, “A new tutor? What about Ms. Macclain?”

“She needs to prepare for her graduation thesis. She can’t tutor you for the time being.”

Henson frowned and said, “Then I don’t want a new tutor. I’ll wait until she’s not busy to tutor me!”

“This is already settled. The new tutor will come next week.” Jonathan’s tone was firm, leaving no room for dispute. He turned and walked away.

Henson followed him, yelling at the man’s retreating back, “I said I don’t want a new tutor. I’m waiting for Ms. Macclain! Even if you hire a new tutor, I won’t cooperate!”

Jonathan turned back and said, “If you continue to be stubborn, I’ll make sure you never see her again!” Henson’s eyes were filled with stubbornness and indignation, but he didn’t dare to argue anymore.

Jonathan glanced at him and ordered, “Don’t call her!”

After saying this, he strode away!

Nate looked into Jason’s experience over the years.”

He had been learning painting from Old Mr. Quintin ten years ago. Five years back he came to J City, and then together with another disciple of Old Mr. Quintin, KING, they founded Snowy Studios.

There wasn’t much information about KING either, apart from his/her awards domestically and internationally, nothing else could be found.

There’s another designer in the studio named Sophia. Some insiders speculated that Sophia is actually KING.

Artistic people love being mysterious. This person, and Jason, didn’t seem to have much to do with Estelle, so Nate didn’t dig deeper into KING.

Jason had other businesses in J City and seldom returned to B City.

Estelle got into Snowy Studios because her tutor at the University of J City recommended her. After applying, she was hired and later worked in a film crew.

Nothing more could be found.

Jonathan looked through Jason’s experience, feeling like something was missing.

Estelle and Jason’s relationship was definitely not as simple as what was written here. If Jason and Estell’s approach to him had nothing to do with it. If they only got to know each other later on, then was Jason just one of the targets Estelle had her eye on?

Jonathan threw the report on the table, spun his chair around, looked out the window, feeling an indescribable frustration!

Estelle’s work on the film crew was basically coming to an end. She would occasionally go over, hang out with Craig, Gwen and the others, or visit Xavier.

Jonathan had been gone for almost five days. She lived her life according to schedule, but always felt like something was, missing. Everything she used to love seemed bland now.

She even forgot how she used to spend her days without Jonathan.

Jonathan hadn’t left J City, he just hadn’t gone to the Royal Mansion.

J City was big, if you didn’t intend to see someone, even in the same city, you could go three years, or five years without bumping into them.

The first to notice something was off was Craig.


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