Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 873

Chapter 873

Chapter 873

Chapter 873

Even the skincare products on her dressing table and the clothes in her wardrobe were all bought by Jonathan.

She came with nothing and left with nothing.

As she was leaving, she looked back at the place where she had lived for almost a year, thinking about her intimate moments with Jonathan, and now that they’ve broken up, it all felt like a dream!

She didn’t drive the car Jonathan gave her, but walked to school alone, standing at the bus stop, watching the coming and going of cars, and suddenly, she didn’t know where to go.

Her phone rang in her pocket. She picked it up and put it to her ear, “Xavier!”


“When I was in the emergency room today, I said I liked you just to get Norah Lamont off my back. I didn’t expect Jonathan to hear it. Are you guys okay?” Estelle took a deep breath, looking at the bustling scene in the distance, and calmly said, “We broke up!”

Xavier was taken aback for a moment, seemingly not expecting things to escalate to a breakup. He paused before responding, “Just because of what I said?”

He took a deep breath, “I’ll go explain to him!”

“No need, I think there’s more to it than that,” Estelle said, looking down.

Xavier thought for a moment, and then said, “When Jonathan came to see Norah before, he said some weird things. I knew something was wrong then.”

Estelle took a deep breath, trying to hide her emotions, “The signs were there; it just exploded today!”

Xavier frowned, “Where are you, I’ll come find you!”

“No need, I just want to be alone for a while!”

“Estelle, don’t be sad.”


Estelle sat on the bus alone for a long time, wandering around the city, and found that she still felt strange to this place where she had lived for many years.

In the end, she went to her house on Rainbow Street.

The house on Rainbow Street was a small detached villa. When she first came to J’City, her grandfather bought this house for her.

But she never lived in it. First, she lived with the Macclain family, and then moved to Villa del Sol, and later to the Royal Mansion.

There was a part-time cleaner who cleaned regularly, so she didn’t need to tidy up and could move in right away.

Just changing places, she suddenly felt a bit out of place. She couldn’t sleep until three in the morning, and Estelle knew she had insomnia.

She laughed at herself for being melodramatic. She had slept everywhere before, on trees, in bushes, and she could sleep soundly. Now that she has changed her bed, she can’t sleep!

She really didn’t feel sleepy at all, so she simply got up and read a book on the balcony.

It was the middle of the night, the sky was gloomy and pitch black, only the streetlights emitted a faint cold light.

Estelle curled up on the sofa, holding the book she had brought back from the Royal Mansion, spread out on her lap, but she couldn’t read a single letter for a long time.

She sat still, pretending to read seriously.

Under the dim light, the text on the book slowly became blurred, and soon a drop of water fell on the page, soaking a circle, and then there were more and more circles on the book.

Estelle leaned back, putting the book on her face, her shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

Finally, she couldn’t hold back her emotions!

At night, Charlie called Jonathan, “Let’s get together, go to Midnight Bar, and call Estelle.”

“I’m at Midnight Bar!” The man’s voice was hoarse, then he hung up the phone.

Charlie was taken aback, a flash of surprise in his eyes, and he immediately drove to Midnight Bar.

When he pushed the door open, a strong smell of alcohol hit him. The room was dark, and the man’s cold figure was sitting on the sofa, pouring alcohol into his mouth.


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