Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Yvonne turned around and grinned, “I’ll take him. His mother was going to attend a wedding banquet at someone else’s house. She won’t be home for the next two days. I’ll be able to look after Jonathan, I don’t trust leaving it to the servant!”

Charlie wanted to protest, but Josiah suddenly stepped in between them, chuckling at Charlie, “Yvonne’s way better at taking care of people than you, just butt out!”

Yvonne was already in the car, instructing the driver to hit the road.

Charlie watched the car pull away, a frown shadowing his face.

In the car, Yvonne glanced at the man leaning against the seat with eyes closed, a soft warmth filled her heart. She had worked so hard and finally reclaimed what was rightfully hers!

This time, she wouldn’t let anyone snatch him away!

Yvonne leaned over and gently touched Jonathan’s shoulder, her eyes filled with tenderness, “Jonathan, lean on my shoulder, it’ll be more comfortable.” Jonathan, eyes still closed, leaned into her without a word.

Yvonne looked at the handsome man at an angle, feeling his body against hers, her heart swelled with satisfaction.

Once they reached home, Yvonne and the driver helped Jonathan upstairs. After they got into the bedroom, Yvonne told the driver, “You can go now; I’ll take care of him.”

The driver, who was not Millard, respectfully complied and left.

Yvonne helped Jonathan onto the bed, removed his shoe’s, then went to the bathroom to grab a warm towel to wipe his face.

She sat by the bed, staring at the man, the towel in her hand gently sliding over his eyebrows, nose bridge, and sexy lips, her heart racing with every move. It was late at night; Jonathan’s house was a garden villa, surrounded by lush trees that blocked out the city noise. It was especially quiet at night. Especiallly in the room, only one wall lamp was on, under the dim, warm light, the man’s features were even more stunning. Yvonne stared at the man’s face, gradually lost in his beauty.

She traced his jawline with her fingers, little by little, and then leaned over slowly.

Jonathan, who was already drunk and asleep, suddenly frowned, mumbling, “Ella, Ella!”

Yvonne paused, a coldness flashing in her eyes that were filled with tenderness, but it disappeared quickly. She bent over the man, whispering, “Jonathan, I know it’s hard to let go. Healing from a relationship is like treating a rotting wound, you must rip off the skin and flesh to grow new ones.”

Her fingers traced his lips, her gaze intense, she whispered, “It’s okay, I’ll wait for you, give you time to heal. Once you’re healed, we can be happy together like before.”

“It doesn’t take long for the pain to pass!”

“You were always mine, we’re a match made in heaven, you just took a detour. But now, with my efforts, you’re back on track!”

“I always knew, it’ll end up being us. Estelle was never good enough for you!”

Jonathan suddenly grabbed Yvonne’s hand that was on his face, his brows furrowed in pain, “Ella!”

Yvonne’s heart skipped a beat, she looked at the man with deep affection, the alcohol made her impulsive, she didn’t want to endure the torment


“Do you want me?”

Yvonne’s voice was deep and husky, her eyes burning, “Whatever Estelle can give you, I can too!”

She took a deep breath, her eyes filled with determination. Her fingers trailed down his neck, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his sexy collarbone and solid chest…

“Jonathan, even though it’s been so many years, I’ve always kept my most precious thing for you, I’ll give it to you tonight, okay?”


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