Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 884

Chapter 884

Chapter 884

Chapter 884

“Ah!”Ken crouched down, clutching his head and yelping in pain.

The cops all turned around. They weren’t sure about Magdalen’s identity yet and didn’t dare to scold her in front of Charlie, “Miss, enough is enough!” Magdalen tossed the remaining half of the wine bottle in her hand, looking coldly at the cop who’d spoken, “Do you know how many girls he’s hurt? And you’re defending him?”

The police didn’t dare to say anything else.

“Let’s go! The police escorting Ken shouted.

With his head bleeding, Ken glared at Magdalen and Estelle resentfully before shuffling out with a frown.

“Please, the two ladies need to come with us too!”

Magdalen smirked, “Sure, but make it quick. We don’t want to keep Ella from her beauty sleep!”

The squad leader was speechless.

Jonathan was leaning on the couch, his eyes constantly on Estelle, especially as she flaunted her figure. For some reason, it pissed him off!

Finally, he couldn’t help but sneer, “Seems like being with me was cramping your style!”

Estelle didn’t even glance at Jonathan, simply pulling the brim of her cap down a bit before strutting out nonchalantly.

Magdalen laughed icily, “What do you think, Mr. Lamont? Without you, everyone loves Ella. Everyone wants her. It’s just up to Ella to decide!” Jonathan’s face turned green with anger.

Charlie looked at Jonathan sympathetically, reassuring him, “I’ll go with and make sure nothing happens to Estelle!”

“I’m going too!” Carson chimed in.

Jonathan, grim-faced, waited until everyone left before following. Yvonne immediately blocked his path, “Where are you going? With Charlie there, Estelle won’t be at a disadvantage. You don’t need to go too!”

“It’s none of your business. Let Josiah take you home!” Jonathan brushed past Yvonne and continued walking.

Tears welled up in Yvonne’s eyes as she grabbed Jonathan’s arm, choking, “You and Estelle have broken up, you know? She’s not upset at all, out partying in the middle of the night. It’s clear she doesn’t care about you, yet you still chase after her?”

Watching Charlie’s video had him so wound up. His eyes never left Estelle!

She’d already lowered herself so much for Jonathan. What more did he want from her?

“Like I said, this has nothing to do with you. Even if Estelle and I have broken up, I’m not getting together with you!” Jonathan shook off her hand and walked away.

In heels, Yvonne stumbled and almost fell. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Jonathan’s retreating figure in disbelief.

Josiah supported Yvonne, “Yvonne, you’re rushing things. Jonathan and Estelle just broke up. You need to give him some time!”

“I can’t take it anymore, Josiah. I really can’t!” Yvonne sobbed into her hands.

“Yvonne, just hang in there!”

“Josiah, I’ve finally understood that breaking them up is not enough. The only way to win Jonathan back is to get Estelle to leave J City completely, and let he disappear from Jonathan’s world!”

Josiah’s brow furrowed, “Yvonne, I’ll help you!”

“You’re the only one who can help me now!” Yvonne looked at Josiah with earnest eyes, sobbing, “You keep an eye on Jonathan. I’ll calm down a bit before I join you.”


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