Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Estelle was as flexible as a cat. She grabbed her opponent’s arm with her leg snapped out. The dagger in her hand plunged into the man’s neck.

And so the kill-fest began.

Estelle weaved between a bunch of beefy guys. She might have been a skinny chick, but she packed a punch. Her moves were direct, aiming for the jugular. In no time, two or three guys were down for the count

Wolverine was standing at the back, eyeing Estelle coldly. He had never underestimated this chick. He couldn’t bring many guys with him into C Country, but the ones he brought were the cream of the crop. They were all determined to see Estelle six feet under.

Over the years, business had taken a hit thanks to Estelle’s relentless pursuit. His team was dwindling. If he didn’t take out Estelle, he was toast. Estelle was confined to C Country, and forbidden to meddle with Tripe’s affairs or appear as a mercenary. That was the rule Gab had set for her. Likewise, Wolverine couldn’t just waltz into C Country. So over the years, despite his hatred for Estelle, he had been stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Finally someone had given him this opportunity. He knew it was risky but he jumped at it anyway. Estelle wanted to kill him, and he wanted to kill her. Seeing his guys dropping like flies, Wolverine’s eyes flashed dangerously. He gestured and said, “Bring him out!”

Two guys walked out of the house, dragging a man. The man was limp, his head hanging low. Dead or alive, it was unknown

“Estelle, recognize him?” Wolverine asked coldly.

The fight paused. Estelle was at the center, her clean face splattered with blood. Her eyes were determined and cold as they landed on the man

She narrowed her eyes, surprised at the sight of the captive. She stopped, panting heavily

The man being held by the two burly guys was Josiah!

Suddenly, a bucket of cold water was dumped on him. Josiah shivered and jolted awake.

He was bound hand and foot, lying on the ground, surrounded by ferocious men in camo. His gaze swiveled around and finally landed on Estelle, his eyes widening in shock

What was Estelle doing here? Why was he here?

He had been trying to track Wolverine. This morning, someone called him, claiming to be one of Zack’s guys and there to help him. This person said they had found Wolverine’s whereabouts.

He met the guy at a pub. The guy showed him some stuff that proved he was indeed one of Zack’s guys and told him Wolverine was in Mistwood.

Then everything was a blur. He must have blacked out.

A cold shiver ran down Josiah’s spine. It must have been that drink!

He tried to get up but his body was as limp as a noodle. He glared at Estelle, gritting his teeth. “Who the hell are you? What do you want?”

Estelle took a deep breath, her face expressionless. She glanced at Josiah, then turned to Wolverine. “I don’t know him. Why are you using a stranger to threaten me?”

“You don’t know him?” Wolverine sneered, “Let’s find out.”

He took the knife from the guy next to him and swung it at Josiah’s foot


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