Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 926

Chapter 926

Chapter 926

Chapter 926

Jonathan quickly found out that the Sampson family, the Langston family, and even Jason were secretly backing the Scott Group

Jonathan didn’t give a damn, he was even pissed off, and kept tightening the screws on the Scott Group.

The Lamont family was the big cheese in J City, so even with people backing them, the Scott Group was still hit by all sorts of crises.

Mr. Scott was running around like a headless chicken, and Manley was hell–bent on not giving up on Estelle.

They were at the point of cutting ties as father and son!

That night

It was late when Jonathan got home. After his shower, he heard his phone buzzing on the sofa.

He picked it up and glanced at it, his eyes shadowed with gloom as he walked to the balcony and answered, “Hello?”

“It’s me, Estelle.” Estelle said.

Jonathan’s tone was icy. “Well, I’m flattered, you still remember me!”

Estelle’s voice was calm, “Jonathan, our past has nothing to do with Manley. Please stop targeting the Scott family.”

In an instant, Jonathan was seething, his gaze icy cold, “Did Manley ask you to beg me, or you just feel sorry for him? Estelle, I really admire you, you can make so many men sacrifice for you. How many men were there when you were with me?”

Estelle took a moment, seemingly trying hard to control her emotions, before she finally spoke calmly, “What do you want, to leave the Scott family alone?” “What do I want?” Jonathan’s tone was as cold as ice, “Leave Manley and better yet, don’t appear before me. As long as I neither see you nor hear about you, I won’t be pissed!”

The line went silent, only her faint breathing could be heard. Jonathan held his phone tightly, filled with rage.

She actually begged for Manley. He would make her regret making this call!

“Fine!” Estelle suddenly spoke, her voice hoarse, “I will leave, I won’t appear in front of you. I hope you keep your word.”

Jonathan didn’t answer, the call was quickly ended, leaving only the sound of silence.

He was even more enraged, flinging his phone away, a murderous impulse flared up for a moment!

Those had been with him, would never be with another man in this lifetime!

In the mansion, Estelle hung up the phone, sitting still like a statue for a long time before she slowly laid down. Her eyes were open, but they forgot to move. These days, she had slowly gotten used to the darkness, even forgetting what color and light looked like? But this was the first time she woke up feeling the darkness engulfing her from all sides, as if it wanted to swallow her whole.

She felt abandoned by the world, the endless loneliness almost drove her to the edge.

“Ella, I miss you. I can’t wait another moment!”

“Ella, I must be under your spell!”

*Ella, I love you!”

“Estelle, let’s break up!”

“I’m sick of this!”

“Don’t appear in front of me. As long as I neither see you nor hear about you, I won’t be pissed!”

All the tenderness and affection had disappeared, turning into indifference, even spite at the end. His words echoed in her ears, like a sharp knife, hurting her over and over, causing unbearable pain.

Estelle’s eyes stung, she couldn’t help but close them tightly, her temples already wet with tears.

She messed up! From the moment she decided to come to J City, she made a mistake.

In two days


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