Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Manley watched Estelle enter the building, then he pulled his gaze back, his eyebrows furrowing, revealing a look of regret. He shook his head slightly and chuckled self-deprecatingly

The next day

Emily went to the hospital to take care of Gina, while Estelle took care of Kya at home.

It was almost lunchtime, and Kya was causing a ruckus at home wanting her mom. Estelle couldn’t take her to the hospital, so she decided to take her to the amusement. park

After they nished eating at the mall’s restaurant, they headed straight to the amusement park upstairs,

Kya was sliding down the castle slide in the play zone, while Estelle wat and watched. A few elderly people sitting beside her, they too brought their kids at the park

“Is that your kid? You look like a student. You got hitched so young? A woman chatted with Estelle, looking surprised.

Estelle smiled lightly, not giving much explanation:

Kya was having a blast while Estelle was getting bored, so she whipped out her phone to play some games.

She hadn’t logged in for quite a while. The moment she did, she got a team-up invite. It was from Henson.

Not long after, Henson sent her a voice message, sounding surprised. “Ms. Mcclain, is that really you?”

Estelle couldn’t help but joke around, “Who’d be stealing my account?”

Henson sounded thrilled. “You’re back? When did you come back?”

Just a few days ago.”

‘Can we meet? My sister and I miss you!”

Estelle pondered for a moment, “I’m a bit busy lately, but once I’m done with this time, I’ll make an appointment with you”

“Okay, it’s a deal!”

“Alright, let’s start gaming. I haven’t played in a while and I’m a bit rusty. You’ll have to protect me

Henson immediately invited Hans Macclain as well and the three of them started gaming

Hans was also surprised to see Estelle online, but he couldn’t ask too many questions in front of Henson so he held back

After a few rounds of gaming. Kya was tired and wanted to play something else. So Estelle logged off and took Kya to ride the merry-go-round.

As they passed by the basketball game, a sales rep was trying his best to sell his prizes, kya spotted the biggest teddy bear and wanted to play. Estelle asked the sales rep. “How many points to get that big teddy bear?”

The sales rep eagerly replied, “if you can score 900 points in three minutes, it’s yours. If not, you can exchange your points for other prizes.” Estelle squatted down to ask Kya, “You want that teddy bear?”

Kya’s big eyes were full of excitement. “Bear, I want bear!”

Estelle stood up and told the sales rep, “Could you pack up that teddy bear for me?”

The sales rep looked a bit awkward but still politely replied, “Once you’ve scored enough points, I’ll happily do so

Ten minutes later

Estelle was standing outside the mall, holding Kya in one arm and the teddy bear in the other waiting for a cab. The teddy bear was bigger than Kya Kya and the teddy bear faced each other in Estelle’s arms, staring at each other

Kya was a bit scared of the teddy bear but she didn’t dare to say it out loud, she just clung tightly to Estelle’s shoulder

Estelle was about to wave down a cab when a black Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of her The window rolled down to reveal Charlie’s handsome face


“Mr. James.” Estelle responded with a smile

Charlie smiled. He knew she was intentionally keeping distance. When she was with Jonathan, she’d call him “Charlie”. Now that they’d broken up, he was back to being ‘Mr. James

He got out of the car looked at the girl in her arms and asked, slightly surprised, “is this Jonathan’s child?”

Charle looked


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