Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Downstairs, Craig slammed his utensils on the table, frowned and complained. “What a pain in the ass, even a simple meal can attract such a bad vibelt i knew this would happen, I wouldn’t have come. I’ve completely lost my appetite now!”

Estelle was cutting her steak slowly. “Cool it, will ya?”

Craig sneered, “If I wasn’t cool enough, I would’ve slapped her already!”

Estelle continued, “I was the one who broke up with Jonathan first, so we have no reason to blame her. If you dislike her, just ignore her in the future, no need to get physical.

Craig chuckled cynically, “Don’t give me that crap. If she truly valued relationships, she wouldn’t hook up with her good friend’s ex-boyfriend, even if they’ve broken up “Alright, cut it out, or I won’t be able to eat either.” Estelle looked up at him.

Craig sighed, picked up his elegant utensils again, ‘Let’s just eat and get out of here!

They tried their best to ignore the unpleasantness brought by Gwen, chatting about work, the atmosphere gradually lightening

After the meal, Craig beat Estelle to the check

Estelle protested, “Wasn’t it my treat?”

“Next time it’s on you, this one’s on me.”

Estelle chuckled, “Thanks!”

“No need to thank me!”

They chatted and laughed as they walked out together.

Upstairs, Jonathan was watching them head towards the exit, his gaze cold,

Gwen turned around, wanting to say something, but was met with his icy stare Jonathan spoke up nonchalantly, with a tone of warning. “Don’t mess with her!” Gwen was taken aback, then immediately replied with a soft smile, “I know!”

After dinner, Jonathan escorted Gwen home, then went to his office. Gwen changed clothes and went to shoot her afternoon scene.

It wasn’t until 4 PM that Gwen had some free time. As she sat in a chair memorizing her lines, she suddenly remembered Jonathan’s words from lunch. Don’t mess with herl

Gwen scoffed.

She called her assistant over, “Go grab a few cakes and coffees for me!”

The assistant hurried off.

When Gwen approached them, Estelle and Craig were working together. She carried desserts and afternoon tea, smiling “I just had my assistant grab these, they’re all Estelle’s favorites.”

“Take them away, I’m afraid Estelle might puke if she eats them! Craig didn’t look up, his voice cold.

Gwen’s smile softened, “Craig, what’s wrong with you? I was really happy to hear that you’d be working with us on this show. We can work together again, just like old times. “Can you quit the act?” Craig looked up, frowning. “You’ve been so popular these past two years, never bothering to keep in touch with Estelle and me. Now you’re playing the old friend card? You think we can just go back to how things were? Did you consider how Estelle would feel when you showed up with Jonathan?”


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