Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Everyone burst into laughter, setting a chill vibe.

Estelle scanned the room, not spotting Jonathan.

Amiee strolled over, grinning. “Heard you’re back at Snowy Studios, how’s it feel?”

“Just back on set, all good, work’s back on track.”


As they chatted, Charlie called her over, “Estelle, come join the card game.”

Estelle and Amiee walked over Yvonne joined too, smiling, “Seeing Estelle reminds me of our old card game sessions. I want in ”

She sidled up to Estelle, whispering, Heard you publicly slapped Gwen today, so satisfying!”

Estelle retorted coldly, “I don’t dwell on past stuff, but if she hurts someone I care about, she’ll pay!”

Yvonne arched an eyebrow, settling into a chair

Everyone found a seat they liked Josiah sat behind Amiee, giving her strategic advice.

After a round of the game, Yvonne got a call. She stepped away to take it, and Carson took her place at the table.

Estelle wasn’t a natural at this, but luckily Amiee, sitting across from her, helped out so she wasn’t losing too badly

As she was debating her next move, she heard someone call out, “Jonathan’s here!”

She clenched the cards in her hand, her face expressionless. She involuntarily furrowed her brows. She was facing away from the door and didn’t tum around, but she could sense a man approaching

Jonathan dragged a chair over, intending to sit behind Estelle.

Before he could sit down, Estelle abruptly stood up, telling Charlie and the others, “I need to make a call. Mr. Lamont should carry on with you guys.”

With that, she walked away without looking back at the man.

The atmosphere chilled for a moment. Amiee watched Estelle’s retreating back, exchanging a meaningful look with Josiah.

Josiah grimaced. He had a hand in Jonathan and Estelle’s breakup, but it felt too late to make amends now.

Jonathan’s expression dimmed. He sat in Estelle’s chair, glanced at the cards, and joked. “She’d lose with cards like this? Did you guys gang up on her again?”

“Us” No way!” Charlie shot back sarcastically. “I’d say you’re the one who’s been messing with her!”

The last time they’d met, Estelle hadn’t reacted this strongly to seeing Jonathan, but today it felt like there was serious beef

Jonathan looked surprised. Something was off with Estelle today. What had happened? Could it be because she saw him with Gwen at the restaurant the other da


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