Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 974

Chapter 974

Chapter 974

Chapter 974

A woman behind Jane suddenly shrieked, 1 don’t want to die, not here!”

She was scared shitless and tried to bolt for the door, but Cicely stopped her, “Stay put, or III blow this thing right now!”

The woman froze like a deer in the headlights, not daring to move anymore.

The room was filled with a tense atmosphere. Everyone was trying to figure out how to get out of there without causing any sudden movements that could set off the crazed woman and trigger an explosion.

This woman, driven crazy by love, was capable of anything!

The room was deadly silent, like a string about to snap. Everyone was gingerly breathing, not daring to take their eyes off the bomb in the woman’s hand.

“Two, three, four” Cicely started counting again.

Jonathan, with Estelle in tow, started to quietly back towards the balcony. Estelle tried to break free, but couldn’t shake his grip. Suddenly, she blurted out, I’ll do the killing for you!”

Her words were like a stone thrown into a still lake, breaking the silence and causing ripples of shock.

Everyone in the room turned their heads in surprise towards Estelle.

Jonathan shot Estelle a dark look, let go of her hand, and said, “I’ll do it.”

Estelle turned to him in surprise

Jonathan didn’t look at her again, instead he walked straight to Carson, picked up a knife and said to Cicely. “I’ll kill his fiancee for him, just let these people go.”

Cicely stared coldly at Jonathan, “Fine, go kill her!”

Jonathan, knife in hand, started walking towards Marina, who backed away in fear.


Carson instinctively tried to grab the knife from Jonathan’s hand

Estelle suddenly pointed behind Cicely and yelled, “Get out, don’t come in!”

Cicely instinctively turned to look behind her

At the same time, Jonathan threw the knife at Cicely’s wrist. The sharp blade cut her wrist and she dropped the bomb due to the pain.

Everyone in the room felt a wave of fear, afraid that the bomb would go off

Realizing she’d been tricked, Cicely, ignoring her wound, quickly tried to pick up the bomb. But Jonathan was already in front of her. He kicked her, sending her flying

The bomb that fell to the ground somehow triggered the countdown, Jonathan hesitated for a moment, then turned to pick up the bomb. But Estelle beat him to it, grabbed the bomb and ran towards the balcony

Before anyone could react, Jonathan lunged after her

With only five seconds left on the countdown, Estelle had four seconds left when she grabbed the bomb. She leaped onto the balcony and hurled the bomb into the



The bomb exploded in mid–air. The blast knocked Estelle off her feet. Jonathan jumped up, caught her in his arms, and shielded her from the blast. Underneath him, Estelle could feel Jonathan’s low grunt of pain.

Charlie and Josiah quickly rushed over to help Estelle and Jonathan.

Estelle stood up For a long time, her ears were ringing. She could see Amiee and the others talking to her anxiously, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. The glass door near the balcony was shattered by the explosion, and the room was a complete mess.


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