Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 989

Chapter 989

Chapter 989

Chapter 989

Jonathan watched as Estelle’s car drove off into the distance, then turned to Gwen, “Let’s go!”

Gwen immediately quickened her pace to catch up with him.

The next day, while Estelle was working, Yvonne walked in carrying a cup of coffee. Leaning against the window, she said, “I’ve been away for a few days, and wouldn’t you know it, I miss out on a great show!”

Estelle was sketching a design on a piece of paper and replied nonchalantly, “If you want to see a show, put one on yourself.”

Yvonne chuckled sarcastically, “You don’t actually believe that Clarice was out to get you, do you?”

Estelle paused her pen but didn’t respond.

Yvonne snorted, “I’d bet my last dollar that Gwen’s behind all this. First, she buys off Clarice’s little assistant, Alice, and then uses this whole thing to get Mr. Kress to kick you off the project! You’re no fool, Estelle. When Jonathan showed up and the truth came out, Gwen had Alice shove all the blame onto Clarice. From start to finish, Gwen’s hands are clean, and she even gets to play the good guy in front of Jonathan!”

She mocked, “Gwen is one clever cookie.”

Estelle laughed dryly, “Didn’t she learn it all from you?”

Yvonne replied, “I’ve been scheming for ages and I still haven’t got Jonathan. I’m no match

for her!”

“You can keep wrestling with her,” Estelle suggested flatly.

Yvonne scoffed, ‘Are you trying to pit us against each other?”

“No, because it wouldn’t matter to me whether you or she wins,” Estelle said honestly.

Yvonne suddenly leaned in closer, her heavily made-up eyes staring at Estelle, “Does Jonathan know that it was really Gwen who was trying to screw you over?”

Estelle stared back at her.

Yvonne said, “If I can figure it out, Jonathan must have too. But he didn’t say a word. Could it be that he’s really fallen for Gwen?”

Estelle said flatly, “Why don’t you go ask him yourself?”

“He’s been ignoring me, didn’t you know?” Yvonne sighed, “Ever since that incident at

Kulha Mountain two years ago, he hasn’t spoken a word to me. So sometimes I wonder, does he like you, or does he like Gwen?”

“Well, it’s definitely not you!” Estelle retorted.

Yvonne glared at Estelle, “Who says he wouldn’t like me? I will have him for myself!”

At noon, Charlie received a call from Carson, and chuckled, “What’s up?”

Carson sounded serious, “Charlie, is Jonah’s injury getting any better?”

Charlie reassured him, “Don’t sweat it, a little scrape like that is nothing to him.”

Carson said solemnly, “I’ve been feeling really guilty about it. Can you think of a way to make it up to Jonah?”

Charlie paused for a moment, then said, “Why not take him out for a meal?”

Carson laughed, “Charlie, are you pulling my leg?”

Charlie chuckled, then slowly said, “Invite one more person.”

“Who?” Carson asked.

“Estelle,” Charlie said with a smirk.


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