Finest Servant

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 Deep Affection

Xiao Yushuang seemed oblivious to his presence, her vacant gaze transfixed by the moonlit horizon. Her melancholic demeanor was pitifully endearing.

Lin Wanrong hastily addressed the maid at her side, "What has happened to Second Miss?"

The maid shook her head, "I'm not sure. A few days ago, on the same day when the Eldest Miss gathered the managers for a meeting, Second Miss seemed to have been through something. She appeared pale and worn out. Later, the Madam and the Eldest Miss sent her to her uncle's house in Suzhou. She just returned today."

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanrong exhaled softly. Since that day, he hadn't seen Second Miss, nor had he inquired about her. There was a pang of guilt in his heart. Now, seeing her vacant and forlorn expression, he could hardly reconcile her current state with the lively, clever girl she once was. She seemed to have changed into a different person.

Lin Wanrong couldn't put his feelings into words. To him, Second Miss was still a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child. He had never imagined that this girl would harbor feelings for him. Yet there she was, Xiao Yushuang, looking so pale and gaunt, no longer the lively and adorable girl she used to be.

Damn, being admired was supposed to be a good feeling, but why was he so uncomfortable? He sighed helplessly, unsure of his next move.

He wasn't concerned about the issue of status; in his eyes, status wasn't worth a damn. He felt some affection for Xiao Yushuang, but it wasn't romantic, not yet. After all, he was mentally much older than her, and his life experiences were on another level. If he were to engage with her in a romantic way, it would feel as though an old cow was grazing on young grass. The idea was just unsettling.

What a dilemma! If she were a few years older, he would have had no reservations. Lin Wanrong felt as though he had hit an impasse he could not cross.

Feeling guilty, he didn't want Xiao Yushuang to see him. Hastily, he turned towards his residence.

Winter was approaching, and a cold breeze swept over them. Xiao Yushuang seemed oblivious, her body lightly shivering from the chill.

Lin Wanrong frowned at the maid, "Quickly, go fetch a coat for Second Miss."

The maid protested, "Brother Lin, I've tried a few times already. Second Miss doesn't want anyone to follow her or give her anything. She said she doesn't want to be disturbed. She even threatened to let the General of Zhenyuan bite anyone who dared interrupt her."josei

Hearing this, Lin Wanrong was both amused and frustrated. Even in such a state, she was still thinking of siccing her dog on others. Such a girlish temperament! But this familiar behavior warmed his heart. It was as if he was seeing the spirited girl again, hands on hips, ordering her imaginary general, "Charge!"

Second Miss was indeed different now. He shook his head and asked, "What about the Eldest Miss and Madam? Aren't they concerned about Second Miss?"

The maid replied, "When Second Miss left, the Eldest Miss and Madam were discussing matters in their room, surrounded by several female housekeepers. They don't even know that Second Miss has gone out."

Lin Wanrong nodded. He hadn't attended the "fashion show" that day, but he had talked to the Eldest Miss about it afterward. The event had been a huge success, with the cheongsam and women's lingerie receiving warm receptions from the ladies present. Even the "models" couldn't help but adore them. This unexpected popularity had surprised not only the Eldest Miss and her mother but also Lin Wanrong himself. He had heard that they had received no less than a hundred orders on the spot. Lin Wanrong marveled at the reality that nothing was impossible; women of this era also pursued beauty and comfort. He wondered whether the Eldest Miss had made those sanitary pads, as that could also be a lucrative business.

Of course, the most popular items were the perfumes. The three different types of perfume that the Eldest Miss had brought were greatly sought after by all the women present. They had never seen such a pleasant, fragrant powder before and naturally went wild. The price of the perfume hadn't been fixed at the time, so the Eldest Miss tentatively quoted a price of eighty taels of silver per bottle. Incredibly, she received two hundred pre-orders instantly and three hundred additional orders soon after. It was an auspicious start indeed.

Eighty taels of silver was extremely expensive for that era, but perfume, as a newly introduced luxury item, was not affordable for everyone.

Lin Wanrong, a shrewd businessman, was quite dissatisfied with the low price of eighty taels quoted by the Eldest Miss. In his opinion, this item was extremely profitable and should be priced at over a hundred taels.

Eldest Miss Xiao had a clearer understanding of the shamelessness of this scoundrel. Quoting eighty taels was already shocking enough, and yet this sly merchant wanted to go higher. Naturally, this elicited a rolling of the eyes from Eldest Miss Xiao.

In fact, the cost of producing the perfume was quite high, as it required vast amounts of petals every day. Even a wealthy family like the Xiao Family, with a dedicated garden outside the south of the city, couldn't sustain it. Moreover, with the arrival of late autumn and early winter, there was a scarcity of petals. Even though Fubo had collected petals from other households through various means, the production remained very tight.

Lin Wanrong had done some preliminary calculations. After mass production, the cost per bottle would be about five taels of silver. He had already discussed with Fubo to further expand the garden in the south of the city to plant new flowers according to the seasons and strive to increase production capacity next year.

As for now, the perfume produced in his workshop was extremely limited. He had estimated that even if petals could be fully supplied, they could not produce more than five hundred bottles in a month. Compared to the huge market demand, it was like trying to put out a cart fire with a cup of water.

At the same time, Lin Wanrong believed that perfume, as a newly introduced item, needed to maintain a certain degree of mystery and nobility in its initial stage to stimulate consumer appetite. It couldn't be swarmed all at once; while that might create an initial buzz, it would be difficult to sustain. Therefore, he suggested a limited supply strategy to Miss Xiao, which was, in reality, a promotional tactic.

Xiao Yuruo greatly approved of his idea. Being an expert in this field herself, this was the first time the two found a common ground.

The Xiao family's perfume, limited to five hundred bottles a month, was already sold out within the first few days of the month. Among the upper-class women of Jinling, the perfume had become a new luxury item. It was said that each bottle had been bid up to one hundred and fifty taels of silver, and yet, there were still no available stocks. Riding on the coattails of the perfume's popularity, the promotion of cheongsam and lingerie was also going smoothly, casting a bright outlook for the Xiao family's future.

The Eldest Miss and Lady Xiao had been incredibly busy these days, planning to fully roll out the cheongsam and women's lingerie. With the perfume being in limited supply as well, they were under considerable stress. Particularly Eldest Miss Xiao, who was said to have worked nonstop for two days and nights. As Lin Wanrong admired her hard work, he also couldn't help but worry about whether she was developing dark circles under her eyes. In the meantime, the female shop assistants in the Xiao family's stores were in high demand. It appeared they were moving towards becoming specialty stores for women's goods.

Considering all this, Lin Wanrong knew that Madam Xiao and the Eldest Miss must have been too busy with all these matters to attend to the Second Miss Xiao. Thinking about her, he felt a touch of pity.

He sighed, taking the overcoat from the servant girl. "You can go ahead," he told her. "I'll go and chat with the Second Miss Xiao."

In the past few days, Madam Xiao and the Eldest Miss had summoned Lin San quite often. Knowing that he was highly regarded by the Madam and the Eldest Miss, the maidservant handed him the clothes, bowed, and left.

As he approached the young girl, Lin Wanrong felt a pang of discomfort. After a few days apart, she had noticeably lost weight. Her once chubby face was now gaunt, her thin shoulders shivering in the cold wind.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Xiao Yushuang couldn't help but sigh lightly. "Who sent you? Didn't I say not to disturb me? Aren't you afraid of General Zhenyuan?"

"I'm not afraid of the mighty general, let alone your General Zhenyuan," Lin Wanrong responded with a smile.

Xiao Yushuang trembled slightly, seemingly unable to believe her ears. She slowly turned around, only to see that the person standing before her was indeed the man she despised.

"Lin San..." Her eyes reddened. She bit her lip tightly, refusing to let herself cry. Her expression then slowly faded. "What are you doing here? To laugh at me?"

Perhaps it was just an illusion, but Lin Wanrong felt that the Second Miss Xiao in front of him seemed more mature than before. Although her face still held a trace of childishness, she had the aura of a true young lady.

"I just got back," Lin Wanrong said. "When I saw the Second Miss Xiao, I thought I would come and say hello."

Xiao Yushuang snorted. "A child like me is hardly worth the greeting of an important person like you."

Lin Wanrong knew she had heard what he had said that day and was resenting him for treating her like a child. He couldn't help but smile slightly. "Maturity is not just about words; it's about actions. Seeing you so stubborn, punishing yourself, doesn't necessarily mean maturity."

The Second Miss huffed, unable to find the words to refute him. His words seemed laced with concern, which made her feel both sweet and sour inside, and vaguely sad. ‘He always sees me as a child,’ she thought. ‘Even his concern is probably because he finds me pitiful as a child.’ She found herself stuck in a negative loop, unable to pull herself out.

Seeing her changing expressions, Lin Wanrong, despite his many skills, couldn't fathom what was going through the girl's mind. He stepped forward and suggested, "It's a chilly night with heavy dew, Second Miss. You should put on more clothes."

He approached her and offered her a garment. Xiao Yushuang huffed again and turned away, ignoring him.

‘This girl,’ Lin Wanrong thought, ‘Seems to have grown up but at the same time, she still behaves like a child.’ Her petulant display amused him, and he decided to let her be. He draped the garment over her without her consent.

Caught off guard, Xiao Yushuang felt warmth envelop her. A long robe was draped over her shoulders. She sniffled, turning her head away from him, and said, "You, you bad man. Why do you care about me so much? Is it because you find it fun to tease me?"

Lin Wanrong broke out in a cold sweat. This girl was only sixteen or seventeen, the age of a blossoming flower, yet her words were increasingly reminiscent of a scorned woman in her boudoir. ‘And when have I ever teased you? It's more like you're the one teasing me.’

He didn't respond to her accusation, saying only, "It's late, Second Miss. You must be tired from your travels today. You should return and rest."

Xiao Yushuang gently wiped away a tear and sighed, "Lin San, it's been a long time since we've talked. Can we chat, just like we used to?"

Just like we used to? He feared it wasn't possible anymore, for now this girl had dubious intentions towards him, and he was wary of falling into her trap. Lin Wanrong shamelessly thought.

But seeing her soften, he found it impossible to reject her. He sighed and said, "If that's the case, let's chat. Second Miss, I heard you visited Suzhou?"

"Yes. I did visit." Xiao Yushuang responded distantly, emphasizing the word 'visit'.

Lin Wanrong felt a sting in her words. Having a guilty conscience, he was naturally more sensitive. Seeing Xiao Yushuang's intense gaze fixed on him, he felt increasingly uncomfortable.

He forced a smile and said, "Suzhou must be a fun place, with its beautiful gardens, local folk music, and the breathtaking views of the Suzhou River. When I get the chance, I'd love to visit."

Despite his words, Xiao Yushuang stayed silent. He looked up at her to see her expression as still as water, silently watching him.

When did this girl learn to play coy? Lin Wanrong was disconcerted by her intense gaze and was about to turn away when Xiao Yushuang said, "Are those all the things you wanted to talk to me about?"

Lin Wanrong paused, unsure of how to respond. It was odd, considering he was significantly older than this girl, but why was he always thrown off by her questions? Previously, it was always Lin Wanrong who led their conversations, and it was a bonus if the girl managed to contribute something. But today, the roles had reversed. His eloquence seemed to have no effect in front of this young lady. Was it because he truly had something to hide?

Xiao Yushuang sighed lightly and said in a soft voice, "Lin San, do you already have a woman you fancy?"

"Yes," Lin Wanrong replied, not intending to hide this fact from her.

Upon hearing that he indeed had a special woman in his heart, Xiao Yushuang felt an indescribable sorrow. She bit her lower lip tightly, and asked, "Is she gentle? Is she beautiful?"

Seeing her strange expression, Lin Wanrong didn't understand what she was up to, so he nodded and said, "She's beautiful and also gentle."

"Lin San, do you think I am beautiful?" Xiao Yushuang mustered all her courage, moved slowly towards him, and gently whispered the words. Her pretty face was tinged with a faint blush in the moonlight.

Startled, Lin Wanrong looked at Xiao Yushuang. She was inherently a stunning beauty. In time, her beauty would definitely surpass that of the Eldest Miss and Madam Xiao. Under the moonlight, with her sorrowful countenance and tear-streaked face, she didn't look childish but rather like a heartbroken beauty, inciting pity in others.

"Eldest Miss Xiao, you are also very beautiful," Lin Wanrong said, forcing his gaze away from her and speaking truthfully.

"Then why don't you like me?" Xiao Yushuang's heart leaped with joy, and she could no longer contain her feelings. Abruptly, she threw herself into his arms, choking on her words, "Do you think I'm too young? But I'll grow up. My mother said she was married at my age. Why don't you like me, why?"

Xiao Yushuang held him tightly around his waist, burying her head in his chest and began to sob.

Lin Wanrong felt a soft body trembling lightly against his. Second Miss Xiao, whose bosom had fully developed, was pressed tightly against his chest. Her delicate body moved gently as she wept, causing a warm friction against his chest.

Feeling the boundless heat from this enticing woman's body, Lin Wanrong repeatedly reminded himself that Eldest Miss Xiao was still a child and he mustn't harbor impure thoughts. However, the heat beneath him was betraying him, pressing gently against Xiao Yushuang's smooth belly.

"Beast, beast," Lin Wanrong cursed himself inwardly, but Xiao Yushuang held him even tighter and started rubbing her tempting body against his.

Realizing his nature, Lin Wanrong felt an itch like a cat scratch within him as he felt Xiao Yushuang's tender, soft, and trembling body. He held her tightly in his arms, gently rubbing his lower body between them while his hands slowly moved over her fully developed hips.

Xiao Yushuang let out a soft whimper, feeling weak and hot as she nestled into his arms.

Hearing her soft cry, Lin Wanrong sobered up slightly. ‘What am I doing?’ He thought. ‘This cannot continue—this should happen in the room if it were to happen at all. It would be far too ahead of time to do this outside for the first time.’

"Second Miss Xiao—" With tremendous willpower, Lin Wanrong pushed her away, only to see her eyes bloodshot, tears welling up and ready to fall.

"Lin San, why don't you like me? Is it because I'm not gentle enough? But I've changed a lot already," murmured Xiao Yushuang, lying on his chest and softly crying, her tears soaking his clothes.

Lin Wanrong was a mature man, feeling uncomfortable with a young girl clinging to him so tightly, he gave a bitter smile, thinking to himself, ‘Even if I don't like you, my little brother certainly does.’

"Second Miss Xiao, can we discuss this another day?" Lin Wanrong tried his best to soften his tone, hoping not to frighten this delicate girl.

Xiao Yushuang lifted her head, gently humming in agreement. Her face flushed with embarrassment as if she too felt shy about her bold actions earlier.

Lin Wanrong secretly let out a sigh of relief, suppressing his rising desire. He dared not predict what might happen if this continued—damn it, he was no stranger to the hardships of the battlefield.

After a few words and some commotion, Xiao Yushuang seemed to recover significantly. Having been unable to speak to Lin San for days, she had been deeply worried and distressed, yet she could not approach him. Her inner turmoil was imaginable.

"Second Miss Xiao, it's getting late. You should return and rest," Lin Wanrong suggested, noticing her shivering in the night breeze, and hastily draped her fallen cloak back over her shoulders.

Miss Xiao obediently agreed, but did not leave. Instead, she gazed at him and said, "Lin San, could you possibly tell me some stories today? I would really like..." She blushed again, yet she did not continue.

Lin Wanrong felt a pang of annoyance. This young girl had seemed so mature with her heartfelt expressions just a moment ago, and now she wanted him to tell her stories. Wasn't this an obvious ploy to stir his guilt?

"Second Miss Xiao, it's late and you must be tired. We can talk another time when I am free," Lin Wanrong attempted to persuade her.

Second Miss Xiao nodded lightly, but her eyes fell on the paper in his hand. "Is this from Qin Xian'er again? She really seems to favor you, delivering messages at this hour," she stated, her tone tinged with bitterness.

Lin Wanrong suddenly remembered that Qin Xian'er had sought him out multiple times that day. Could there be some urgent matter?

In haste, he unfolded the note and began reading by the moonlight. Scribbled on it in eyebrow pencil were a few hastily written words: "Leave the Xiao family immediately!"

Leave the Xiao family? Lin Wanrong was puzzled. He opened the remaining notes, each bearing the same four characters. As he was considering this, he heard a servant shout out, "Fire, fire!"

Lin Wanrong asked in alarm, "Where's the fire?"

Both looked up to see the Xiao family's main building ablaze with roaring flames.

Xiao Yushuang cried out in alarm, "It's the council hall!"

Lin Wanrong hurried to reassure her, "Second Miss Xiao, don't panic. We have many hands, we can control the fire—"

Before he could finish, a soft rustling sound echoed, and a dazzling firework ascended into the sky. Seen from afar, it resembled a pure white lotus in full bloom.

Lin Wanrong clearly remembered seeing this white lotus blossom when he was talking with Qin Xian'er that day. Damn it, whose child is this, setting off fireworks in the middle of the night?

Before he could finish his thought, a loud shout echoed from nearby: "A single white lotus brings myriad auspicious clouds. In front of Guanyin Hall are a hundred grains, beneath the lotus seat are a thousand doors. The white lotus messenger invites Miss Xiao to her rightful place."

Suddenly, over twenty shadowy figures sprang up from the perimeter wall, all dressed in black from head to toe, faces obscured by black cloths. They wielded gleaming swords and steel knives, leaping off the wall and rushing straight into the courtyard. These intruders were fierce and fast, closing the distance in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yushuang's body trembled lightly as she said, "Lin San, what do we do? The thieves are here."

Damn it, where did these thieves come from? Reciting a tongue-twister before a robbery, it would be a shame if they didn't pursue careers in R&B.

Lin Wanrong had only seen this kind of high-stakes robbery in movies, never imagining he'd experience one himself. He hadn't believed in martial arts before, but after meeting Xiao Qinxuan, his views had changed. It was just a pity that he was already too old to start learning martial arts.

Naturally, he was somewhat afraid when confronted with these robbers, but seeing Xiao Yushuang's pitiful expression, he quickly turned to comfort her, saying, "Second Miss, don't be afraid, let's run—"

Before he could finish, he sensed a swift wind coming from behind. Xiao Yushuang's eyes flashed with a blend of terror and unparalleled determination. In this critical moment, the young girl found strength from somewhere, and darted forward, positioning herself in front of Lin Wanrong.

As Lin Wanrong looked back, his heart and mind were thrown into disarray. He saw a blur of white light—a sword moving fast and ruthlessly, accompanied by a faint whistling sound, heading straight for Xiao Yushuang's chest.

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