Finest Servant

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 This Demonic Woman

Lu Zhongping, vexed, stepped out. Bowing to the elegantly dressed young man, he said, "I have been inefficient in my tasks, please, young master, punish me as you see fit."

The elegantly dressed young man snorted, "Lu Zhongping, indeed, you've managed this matter poorly. Lin San provoked you intentionally, and yet, you lost your temper, falling for his ruse. The ruckus your sect has been causing in Jinling has become quite conspicuous, I fear it has attracted attention from the top. Once you have properly resolved this situation, take a few days off."

Lu Zhongping stood off to the side, disheartened. The elegantly dressed young man then added, "This Lin San is not simple, I think I'll see him personally."

The young man on the left hastily interjected, "That would be highly inappropriate! You are of high birth, Young Master. How can you possibly meet with such a lowly character?"

The elegantly dressed young man waved his hand dismissively, "It's of no concern. Lin San is a talent, and I would like to observe him for myself."

Lin Wanrong had been waiting in the room for a long time but saw no one emerge. However, his mind was spinning with thoughts, carefully analyzing the situation at hand. It was clear that the people backing Lu Zhongping had their designs on him. Judging from the rampant wealth accumulation by the White Lotus Sect, they were undoubtedly targeting the perfume formula he possessed.

No one understood the profitability of the perfume better than Lin Wanrong. He sighed quietly, ‘Jealousy due to wealth has always been an ancient malaise.’

After a while, Lu Zhongping returned with a sullen expression. Respectfully, he said to Lin Wanrong, "Mister Lin, my master wishes to meet you."

Lin Wanrong felt a shiver down his spine, utterly uncomfortable being addressed as "Mister" by another man. Accustomed to thickening his skin to alleviate pressure, he patted Lu Zhongping on the shoulder and said, "Little Lu, brute strength isn't all there is to living in this world. You must also exercise your brain. Go and eat some pig's brain to nourish your mind."

Given that he and Lu Zhongping were already at odds, he thought he might as well add insult to injury. After all, what kind of fool would not seize the advantage when given the opportunity? Moreover, this was entirely in line with Lin Wanrong's character.

Lu Zhongping, not daring to offend him, gritted his teeth and led him to another vacant room. It was a spacious room, divided by a screen behind which were faint outlines of two figures—one seated, one standing—but their faces were obscured.

"Are you Lin San?" came a voice from behind the screen.

‘Damn it,’ thought Lin Wanrong, ‘do you think you're a cop? Starting off like this, asking pointless questions.’ He silently scorned his questioner but recognized that this man behind the screen was the one backing Lu Zhongping. In other words, his life was in this man's hands.

The man's voice seemed to oscillate between being close and far, clear yet untraceable. Though his words were few, they were uttered with an imposing aura, a hint of authority that suggested he was a person of rank.

Lin Wanrong, however, did not care about the man's identity. At this point, having nothing to lose, he fearlessly slumped onto a chair and replied nonchalantly, "Let's not bother with that question anymore. If I answered, it would make me a fool; if you asked, you'd be less than a fool."

"Hahaha—" The man erupted in laughter, "Lin San, you're quite a character. It's been a long time since I've encountered something so amusing. Perhaps, I should spend more time with you."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "You hide behind a screen, concealing your true voice and face, yet you wish to get acquainted? Your sincerity is indeed lacking."

The man responded with a subtle smile, "There's no ill intention. Seeing my face may not necessarily be a good thing for you."

That was a blunt truth, Lin Wanrong nodded, "You do make a fair point. Well then, perhaps it's better if I don't meet you, to avoid being silenced. May I ask why you've gone to such lengths to bring me here?"

Listening from the side, Lu Zhongping silently cursed, ‘Damn it, you smooth-talking kid. 'Bring me here'? You were clearly captured by us. Always embellishing your circumstances, what kind of freak are you? You sound more like a bandit than I do.’

"Lin San, you're a smart man. There's no need for insinuations among the straightforward. My goal is simple—I want the perfume formula in your possession. Name your price," the man stated directly.

‘Damn it,’ Lin Wanrong cursed inwardly as he had suspected, but feigned surprise on his face, "How did you find out about it?"

The man responded, "We have our ways, no need for you to worry about that. As long as you provide the formula for this perfume, wealth, glory, riches, and honor will all be within your grasp."

Lin Wanrong despised such baseless talk and laughed heartily, "Wealth, glory, riches, and honor? My good sir, you are being quite amusing. If you already possessed inexhaustible wealth, would you still need this perfume to make money?"

The elegantly dressed man was taken aback. Lin San's response was indeed swift. The words that usually worked seemed to lose their meaning when coming from him.

Being no ordinary man, the elegantly dressed man only laughed, "Indeed, a quick mind matches quick words, very much to my liking. In that case, Lin San, I'll be straightforward with you. If you provide the perfume formula, I can give you anything you want—luxurious mansions, beautiful women, high-ranking positions, you can choose anything."

A jolt ran through Lin Wanrong, "Are you asking me to betray the Xiao family?"

The elegantly dressed man laughed heartily, "Loyalty is just an excuse. The ones who preach about loyalty and righteousness simply haven't received a tempting enough offer to betray. As for betrayal, it's an overstatement. In a few days, the entire Xiao family will be in our grasp."

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, this youngster seemed to have a rather clear understanding of human nature. But from the sound of it, his identity was far from simple. A thought crossed Lin Wanrong's mind, "Sir, might you be someone of officialdom?"

The elegantly dressed young man said, "As I said, knowing these things won't do you any good."

'Damn you, acting so haughty! You think I wanted to know? If it weren't for you dragging me into this, I'd have no interest in getting involved. If you're in any official capacity, you must be a eunuch.' He smirked at his malicious thoughts.

The situation was clear; there would be no peaceful resolution. If he didn't surrender the formula, the other party would undoubtedly resort to all means to torment him. He didn't need a brain to figure that out. But once the formula was handed over, he would lose his only bargaining chip, and his life would be in their hands. Even that Lu Zhongping would be able to kill him as easily as crushing an ant.

Lin Wanrong pondered. As a man of the modern world, he had some integrity, but he was not yet at the point of being immovable in the face of death. This was a critical juncture. A single misstep might lead to total defeat.

Seeing Lin Wanrong deep in thought, the elegantly dressed young man allowed a faint smile to grace his face. He did not pressure him, quietly sitting and waiting for his response.

"Is Tao Dongcheng here?" Lin Wanrong suddenly asked, opening his eyes.

The young man beside the elegantly dressed one shivered slightly. The elegantly dressed man gave him a shake of the head, and he calmed down.

"Who is Tao Dongcheng? I don't know him," the elegantly dressed man replied calmly.

Lin Wanrong ceased speaking. He said nonchalantly, "I need some time to think."

The elegantly dressed man asked, "What do you still need to consider?"

Lin Wanrong laughed coldly, "If I hand over the formula to you, I will have nothing left to negotiate with. Whether I live or die will then be entirely up to you. Are you saying I don't need to consider that?"

"Wonderful, wonderful." The elegantly dressed man clapped his hands and laughed, "Talking with a clever person saves much effort."

"However—" his tone changed, "You don't have much time left to consider. I hope to hear your response by tomorrow morning. Otherwise, I believe Zhongping will take quite a liking to you." His tone was menacing, a stark contrast to his previous joviality, while Lu Zhongping was already rubbing his hands in anticipation.

'Damn. This kid is cunning,' Lin Wanrong cursed inwardly. He had initially hoped to buy himself a day or two. Even if no one came to his aid, it would give him more time to save himself. However, this kid seemed to have seen through this plan, giving him only a few hours.

The two men behind the screen ceased their conversation with him and, accompanied by Lu Zhongping, exited through another door.

"Young Master, if Lin San refuses to hand over the formula, what should we do?" the young man beside the elegantly dressed one asked.

The Young Master responded with a faint smile, a sharp gleam in his eyes, "If we can't get it, nobody else should either. If Lin San refuses to surrender it, you should simply—"

He cast a meaningful glance at the young man. The murderous intent in his eyes, however, could not be erased. The young man quickly acknowledged.

"By the way, head over to Miss Xiao's place and leak some information. Say that Lin San has already handed over the formula to us and is currently enjoying our hospitality." The young master revealed a faint smile on his face. "Remember, the information should 'accidentally' reach the lady's ears."

A spark ignited in the youth's eyes, and he quickly saluted, "The young master is insightful."

The young master laughed lightly, looking at him and said, "Miss Xiao has a fiery temperament. If you were to forcefully take her, I fear it might cause a backlash and unexpected troubles. It's commendable how you've thought of a way to not only take the Xiao family's holdings but also make her submit willingly. Cheng De's troops are already at the base of the mountain. At your call, a fine drama can be performed. Do well, I won't shortchange you."

The youth hastily replied, "My father and I owe our current standing to the grace of the young master's house. Even if we have to go through fire and water for the young master, we wouldn't hesitate."

The young master smiled faintly and asked, "How many years has your father been with my royal father?"

The youth respectfully answered, "My father has been with the prince since he was ten years old. By now, it's been forty years."

The young master nodded, "Your loyalty is clear to my father and me. It's been hard on your father, having him stay in Suzhou's weaving industry for eight years. But as you know, the provinces of Suzhou and Hangzhou are the wealthiest in the world, and the Suzhou weaving industry is of utmost importance. My father wouldn't trust this to just anyone. Once this current matter is taken care of, I will discuss it with my father, and I will present a case before the emperor. Next year's vacant position of prefect of Nanjing will be reserved for him."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the youth knelt down and said, "Thank you for your royal favor, thank you young master for your royal favor."

The young master was about to speak when he saw Lu Zhongping rush over anxiously, "Young master, something terrible has happened. Miss Xiao, she—"

"What happened to Miss Xiao?" the youth asked in surprise.

Lu Zhongping whispered a few words in front of the two, who were both shocked and quickly made their way towards the prison.

Lin Wanrong was confined in the room, unable to return to Miss Xiao's side. The frustration in his heart was unimaginable. As he paced back and forth in the room, troubled, he suddenly heard a loud click, and the door was opened.

Annoyed, thinking that someone had been sent to persuade him again, he didn't even turn his head and impatiently said, "The time isn't up yet, what are you doing here—"josei

Before he finished speaking, he caught a whiff of a familiar fragrance, and a charming figure appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye. "Young master—"

The voice sounded familiar. Upon closer inspection, the woman had a scarf covering her face, the same woman Lu Zhongping had referred to as his junior sister the night of the kidnapping.

"You are—" Lin Wanrong asked, puzzled.

The woman pulled down her scarf, and Lin Wanrong was taken aback. "Miss Qin, why are you here?" The person in front of him was indeed Qin Xian'er.

Qin Xian'er grabbed his hand and urgently said, "I'll explain to the young master later, I'm here to get you out now."

Ah, truly she was like Guanyin Bodhisattva, coming to the rescue in desperate times. Lin Wanrong felt like embracing this Qin Xian'er and giving her a kiss. After several warnings and risking her life to save him, there wasn't a better way to repay her than to offer himself. Lin Wanrong didn't feel embarrassed at all to be saved by a woman. Times had changed, and both men and women were equal, he thought magnanimously.

Qin Xian'er held his hand and hurriedly began to lead him away. Feeling the delicate smoothness of her small hand in his palm, Lin Wanrong's lascivious heart surfaced again. He couldn't help but let his fingers slide gently over her palm.

Qin Xian'er's face flushed, and she shot him a look, giving a soft humph. Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I apologize, it's a habit."

Opening the door, they found a follower of the White Lotus Sect lying lifelessly on the ground at the entrance. His throat had been slashed, blood still flowing. Qin Xian'er showed no surprise at all.

This must have been her doing, Lin Wanrong thought. This girl, appearing soft and gentle at the Miaoyu Pavilion, yet she was surprisingly ruthless.

As night fell, Lin Wanrong looked towards the distant prison where Xiao Yuruo was kept. A few people were gathered there, and a knot formed in his heart. He hoped that nothing had happened to the proud lady.

Just as he was about to speak, he felt light, and before he knew it, Qin Xian'er had lifted him into the air. Her actions were gentle and considerate, a thousand times better than being caught by Lu Zhongping. Lin Wanrong leaned back, comfortably resting against Miss Qin.

This man, he was truly shameless. Qin Xian'er blushed, glared at him and seeing his enjoyment made her even more irritated, but her anger had no effect on him.

Was this the same man who was known to be proficient in poetry, the servant of the Xiao family? Qin Xian'er was puzzled.

With swift movements, Qin Xian'er jumped into a deserted well located in the center of the compound. Lin Wanrong was taken aback, wondering why they didn't escape further away but instead ended up right in the heart of the enemy's lair.

Seeing his confusion, Qin Xian'er gently laughed, "There are many guards around the periphery. It would be difficult to escape immediately. Let them think you've been rescued, they would never expect that you're still here. Just wait a moment, young master, I'll be right back."

‘Is this the so-called 'the most dangerous place is the safest place'? Damn, isn't the lady playing with my life? I can't afford to play this game. If I get caught again, that would be the end of me,’ Lin Wanrong thought, his heart pounding. He quickly grabbed her hand and said, "Miss, could you not play with me? I have a heart condition."

Qin Xian'er covered her mouth and smiled, "When you were up to mischief just now, why didn't you mention you were sick?"

Lin Wanrong's face reddened, a rare occurrence. But he was thick-skinned and shamelessly held onto Qin Xian'er's hand, "Here, in this dry well, amongst a pack of wolves, the two of us sitting together, chatting, looking at the moon, making a lifetime commitment, wouldn't it be wonderful? Why the rush to leave?"

Qin Xian'er's heart skipped a beat, finding herself unaccustomed to his whimsical train of thought. A faint blush spread over her face. She wondered how shamelessly thick-skinned he was, to spout such nonsense with ease, and how many women had fallen for his ruse.

The thought of other women unsettled her. Regret gnawed at her for having spared Xiao Qingxuan's life that day. But seeing how urgently Lin Wanrong held her hand provided some comfort. She gently asked, "Do you know my identity, Young Master?"

Lin Wanrong lightly stroked her hand, responding, "Of course, aren't you the enchanting courtesan Miss Qin Xian'er from Miaoyu Pavilion on the banks of the Qinhuai River? I greatly admire you."

His flattery was devilishly effective, his praise causing Qin Xian'er to blush crimson. She was momentarily speechless before eventually managing to ask, "And do you know about my other identity? I should tell you that I belong to the White Lotus Sect. People often call me a demon."

"Demon, that's nice," Lin Wanrong replied casually. "I've encountered virtuous women, promiscuous women, elegant women, mature women, but I've never met a demon. The more demonic, the more I like."

Even for Qin Xian'er, known for her enchanting allure, these words made her blush profusely. She thought to herself, ‘This man is incorrigible,’ yet strangely, she found herself inexplicably delighted by his audacity.

"But I don't particularly like the White Lotus Sect," Lin Wanrong's eyes flashed with a hint of anger. He grunted, glanced at Qin Xian'er again, and joked, "But a demon from the White Lotus Sect... The more I look at her, the more I like her."

"Young Master..." Qin Xian'er couldn't stand his blatant, unashamed flattery. Her cheeks blushed as if about to drip with water. She spoke in a low voice, "As I belong to the White Lotus Sect, if they don't see me soon, they might become suspicious."

"Let them suspect," he responded defiantly. "At worst, you can betray the White Lotus Sect. This Sect is not on the right path anyway. One day, I plan to annihilate it. With you around, I'm not afraid of the White Lotus Sect. Even though I have no martial arts skills, I insist on surrounding myself with skilled beauties for protection, much to the chagrin of those rogues."

"Young Master, please don't speak like this," Qin Xian'er exclaimed in alarm. "My fate is intertwined with the White Lotus Sect. Without it, I would not exist."

Seeing her so frightened, Lin Wanrong decided not to press the issue further. Worst case, he thought, when the time comes to deal with the Sect, he would first exhaust her in bed until she couldn't rise, saving her the dilemma.

"You should go now," Lin Wanrong said.

Qin Xian'er nodded, only to hear him ask, "By the way, I noticed a commotion over there earlier. Did something happen to the Eldest Miss?"

Qin Xian'er looked at him and said, "Are you that concerned about Miss Xiao?"

Seeing Lin Wanrong nod, Qin Xian'er clenched her fists, her eyes flashing with a harsh glint, "She's dead."

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