Finest Servant

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

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Chapter 113 I Want to Cultivate with You

Lin Wanrong sat desolate and bored at the bottom of the well, still somewhat worried about Miss Xiao in his heart. However, at present, he was helpless, only left with the option to wait.

Bored as he was, he thought he might as well find something to entertain himself. Searching within his robe, apart from a few broken pieces of silver, all he had was a risqué album of erotic paintings.

He took out the album and, under the soft moonlight, started to scrutinize it. The more he looked, the more his heart itched with curiosity. The characters in the album, faint under the moonlight, seemed incredibly lifelike, inviting him into a world of imagination.

"Damn, there are so many different positions," he thought. He guessed the artist must have been drawing the pictures while making love, the depictions were so true to life. He thought about trying some with Qiaoqiao in the future, a lascivious smile appearing on his face. While others might read sacred texts under the moonlight, he was engrossed in erotic literature, truly reveling in this perverse pleasure.

As he was delighting in his reading, a fragrance wafted over him, and a white figure descended into the well, standing before him with a smile.

"Miss Xiao, is that you?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed in delight. It seemed like another martial art master had arrived. Even if he wanted to be captured today, it seemed an impossibility. He asked curiously, "How did you know I was here?"

Xiao Qingxuan chuckled, "That Miss Qin really treats you well. She risked her life to save you; you should properly repay her."

Lin Wanrong asked, "You saw all that?"

Xiao Qingxuan nodded, "I have been here for a while. When I saw you trapped in that room, I wanted to go to you but someone beat me to it."

Lin Wanrong knew she was referring to Qin Xian'er, and nodded with a smile, "Miss Qin treats me well, and so do you, Miss Xiao. I always feel my handsomeness is a great trouble."

Xiao Qingxuan had been with him for many days now and had grown used to his self-praise. She ignored his comment, "I didn't come specifically for you. These White Lotus cultists have committed countless evils; they are the enemies of all."

"I know. You just happened to pass by, that's all." Lin Wanrong smirked.

Blushing slightly, Xiao Qingxuan quickly changed the topic upon noticing the album in his hand, "What are you so engrossed in?"

Realizing he was still holding the album, Lin Wanrong couldn't avoid it and replied candidly with a laugh, "Just doing some research."

"Research? What research?" Knowing Lin Wanrong's peculiar interests, Xiao Qingxuan thought he might be researching something like perfume again and asked curiously, "Can I see it first?"

Lin Wanrong's face twisted oddly, "You can take a look, but don't blame me later."

Xiao Qingxuan looked puzzled, "You're just doing some research, why would I blame you?"

She took the album from Lin Wanrong. Just one glance was enough to paint her face crimson, she scoffed lightly, "You're really incorrigible, indulging in such things, and you even lied to me about doing research!"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "This is a matter between a husband and wife, a natural way of life. What's wrong with me researching it?"

Though what he said was undoubtedly ruffianly, he managed to deliver it in such a righteous and stern manner that Xiao Qingxuan, despite her shyness, couldn't help but smile. She thought to herself, ‘In this world, probably only he would dare to utter such audacious words so unabashedly.’

Her gaze unintentionally fell back upon the small album. First, she looked shy, then curious, and finally, incredibly solemn.

Lin Wanrong, noticing her engrossed in the album, was somewhat surprised. She was also interested in the album and was even reading it nonchalantly in front of him? Had he found a kindred spirit? And a female one at that? Reading erotic literature under the moonlight, and with a man and a woman present, something was bound to happen.

Xiao Qingxuan, looking serious, asked, "Where did you get this album from?"

Lin Wanrong thought, she really wanted to get to the root of the matter, didn't she? So he replied, "A friend gave it to me."

Xiao Qingxuan sighed, "You have such a treasure and yet you're unaware. It's infuriating!"

"Treasure? Isn't this just an erotic -- I mean, an album. How can it be a treasure?" Lin Wanrong said, puzzled.

Xiao Qingxuan, both irritated and amused, thought how such a usually astute man could be so foolish about this matter. She looked at him and smiled, "This is a mysterious method of dual cultivation. It can be practiced by people of all ages."

Dual cultivation? He was very familiar with the term; it seemed Old Man Wei had mentioned it once, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time. But now, when Xiao Qingxuan mentioned it, it seemed extraordinarily significant.

Seeing Xiao Qingxuan under the moonlight, her expression gentle, her beauty breathtaking, Lin Wanrong's heart pounded. Regardless of whether she was a demoness or a hero, no one could escape his teasing. He thickened his face and feigned confusion, "Dual cultivation? What is that? Would Miss Xiao kindly explain it in detail?"josei

Seeing his mischievous smile, Xiao Qingxuan knew he was playing dumb. Her face reddened and she scolded, "How can you be so dishonest? At a time like this, can't you be serious?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I am only like this with you. With others, I never make light of words."

Xiao Qingxuan was secretly pleased to hear this, her heart skipped a beat, and she snorted, "I suppose you speak in the same way with Miss Qin Xian'er."

Lin Wanrong thought to himself that this was his handsome strategy coupled with sweet words, under the attack from both sides, even a stone-hearted girl would blossom. He pretended to be serious, "What is the purpose of this dual cultivation method?"

Xiao Qingxuan glanced at him, "This method of dual cultivation is just right for someone like you who lacks a foundation in internal strength. No hard work is required, it's quick to learn, and best suited for someone as lazy as you."

Lin Wanrong gave a wry smile, wondering if he was really as bad as she made him out to be. Seeing Xiao Qingxuan's smiling face, he realized she was getting back at him for his earlier teasing. He simply returned her gaze with a slight smile.

"As long as you find a woman with high martial skills to cultivate with you, it will be greatly beneficial to both of you," Xiao Qingxuan continued.

Lin Wanrong gave a curious grunt, "How beneficial? Can it make me so powerful as to kill people casually like you do?"

Xiao Qingxuan shot him a glance, "I haven't tried it either, so how would I know? In any case, it's highly beneficial for you."

"You haven't tried it?" Lin Wanrong gasped in surprise, "Neither have I. How about this, since the night is dark and windy and we're both free, why don't we do some research together?"

Xiao Qingxuan glared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Lin Wanrong sighed internally, everyone else seemed hard to bully, only he was easy. He wondered how miraculous this dual cultivation technique was, could it make him less prone to being bullied?

Having these thoughts, he lost his mood to tease her. He sighed lightly, "I was just joking with you. I always enjoy joking with you, you know that."

In the art of sweet-talking, Lin Wanrong had mastered the essence. He applied it universally. Considering their past interactions and the countless times he had taken advantage of her, Xiao Qingxuan didn't mind this time. Seeing him silent, she felt uncomfortable and said, "Don't talk frivolously with me. Let's have a serious conversation."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "If I don't talk frivolously with you, I'll go talk to someone else."

"Is it Qin Xian'er?" Xiao Qingxuan asked, gritting her teeth. Lin Wanrong laughed heartily but said nothing.

Xiao Qingxuan sighed softly, "Qin Xian'er deeply cares for you. You should take good care of her."

Lin Wanrong felt a touch of emotion. That demoness Qin Xian'er was always threatening to kill Xiao Qingxuan, yet Xiao Qingxuan still spoke in her favor. Thinking back on their time together, aside from their first meeting where she almost killed him, Xiao Qingxuan was quite gentle.

Xiao Qingxuan sighed again, "We've been talking here in this well. The rogues from the White Lotus Sect should have retreated by now. Shall we leave?"

"The White Lotus Sect has run off?" Lin Wanrong asked, confused.

Xiao Qingxuan nodded, "You were rescued. They must have assumed this place was exposed. Why wouldn't they leave?"

Lin Wanrong exclaimed in alarm, "What about Eldest Miss Xiao?"

"I'm not sure. She was likely taken by the White Lotus Sect," Xiao Qingxuan said calmly.

Taken by the White Lotus Sect? This was serious. When they were together, they could look after and comfort each other. But if she was taken by the White Lotus Sect, where could he find her?

Seeing his despondent expression, Xiao Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh, "You're quite fond of Eldest Miss Xiao. Don't worry. She wasn't taken. She stayed behind. A large number of government troops have arrived at the foot of the mountain. They seem to be preparing to stage some sort of drama."

"Government troops?" Lin Wanrong asked, "Are they here to save Eldest Miss Xiao?"

Xiao Qingxuan shook her head, "I'm not quite sure about that, but these government troops are from the Green Camp, led by the Jiangsu Commander-in-Chief, Cheng De."

Cheng De? Did Miss Xiao hold such influence to summon the Commander-in-Chief? Something was off!

Lin Wanrong shook his head, "Something is strange about all this. Miss Xiao, is Eldest Miss Xiao still in the prison?"

Xiao Qingxuan nodded, "Don't worry, your Eldest Miss Xiao is still in there. The White Lotus Sect has been causing trouble in Nanjing for some time, yet Cheng De has done nothing until now. Just when Miss Xiao is in trouble, he appears so promptly. I had to make quite an effort to get here, so how did he find this White Lotus Sect hideout in such a short time?"

After listening to her, Lin Wanrong was even more convinced something was amiss, and his worries for Eldest Miss Xiao deepened. The two of them hurried out of the abandoned well, only to find the courtyard empty. The White Lotus Sect members, including the well-dressed young man, had all disappeared.

"How come even Qin Xian'er ran off?" Lin Wanrong asked.

Xiao Qingxuan shot him a glance, "Under the watch of her fellow disciples, she can't come find you even if she wanted to."

Lin Wanrong, in a state of anxiety, grabbed Xiao Qingxuan and hurriedly made for the cell where Miss Xiao was. After a few steps, they saw a shadowy figure sneak into the prison cell. The figure seemed to be Lu Zhongping.

Lin Wanrong felt a twinge of anxiety, hoping that the man hadn't set his sights on Eldest Miss Xiao. He thought, great timing for my arrival. As they were halfway to the prison cell, they saw Lu Zhongping coming out, the entire process took no more than a few seconds. He looked flustered, glanced back at the cell, and a smug, cold smile spread across his face.

Just then, sounds of a battle erupted from the foot of the mountain. Amid the blazing torchlight, thousands of soldiers with bright banners charged up the mountain.

"Surrender Eldest Miss Xiao immediately, you White Lotus Sect scoundrels, and you will be spared!" a man, who looked like a noble, shouted from amidst the troops. The distance was too great to see his face clearly.

‘How could he utter such meaningless words,’ Lin Wanrong thought. With such a shout, it would be strange if the rebels didn't run. Xiao Qingxuan, however, snorted, "Birds of a feather."

During their brief pause, they saw that Lu Zhongping had already walked far away. Worried for Eldest Miss Xiao, Lin Wanrong rushed into the prison cell, Xiao Qingxuan was even faster, entering the stone chamber first.

The room was empty except for Eldest Miss Xiao. Lin Wanrong immediately saw Eldest Miss Xiao lying peacefully on the bed. Aside from not being awake, she seemed fine. He breathed a sigh of relief, at least she was unharmed. An hour had passed, and she should wake up soon.

By Xiao Qingxuan's side, there was an incense burner. A stick of incense had just been lit, its smoke slowly rising and yet to spread. Xiao Qingxuan was the closest. After taking a few light sniffs, she felt a bewitching scent from the incense that unsettled her.

"Despicable!" She hastily covered the incense with her sleeve to extinguish it. Two blush spots appeared on her face, revealing a sense of bewitchment.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wanrong asked anxiously. At that moment, he was standing by Eldest Miss Xiao's bed, some distance from the incense that Xiao Qingxuan had quickly extinguished, so he hadn't caught a whiff of the scent and felt nothing unusual.

Xiao Qingxuan said, "This place isn't safe. We should leave quickly." Although there were soldiers rushing up the foot of the mountain, Lin Wanrong and Xiao Qingxuan both knew there must be deceit involved. Not daring to delay, Lin Wanrong lifted Eldest Miss Xiao and prepared to carry her.

Just then, Eldest Miss Xiao moaned softly and slowly opened her eyes. Evidently, the effects of the drug had worn off. Qin Xian'er had indeed not lied to them.

In her daze, Eldest Miss Xiao saw a man in green robes and a small hat, grinning annoyingly - wasn't that the detestable Lin San? She exclaimed happily, "Lin San, you're back? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine, they invited me for tea. Miss, are you alright?" Lin Wanrong responded lightly.

Eldest Miss Xiao shook her head, then seeing a woman as beautiful and elegant as a fairy standing in front of her, she was startled and asked, "Lin San, who...who is she?"

"She's a friend I brought to help. Those thieves have been driven away, so we should go," Lin Wanrong said.

Before Eldest Miss Xiao could speak again, a sound of horses and a loud voice echoed, "Yuruo, don't worry, I'm coming to save you!"

Hearing the voice, Eldest Miss Xiao was surprised and said, "This sounds like Tao Dongcheng, how did he come here?"

Lin Wanrong sneered inwardly, then looked at Eldest Miss Xiao seriously, "Miss, do you trust me or Tao Dongcheng?"

Eldest Miss Xiao's face turned a shade of red as she said, "Although you are not entirely honest and like to take advantage, you have shown loyalty to the Xiao family. Of course, I trust you."

Lin Wanrong gave a wry smile. Before she complimented him, she had to mock him. He was getting used to it. Xiao Qingxuan's face was also a bit red, and she urged Lin Wanrong, "Cheng De's troops are about to charge up here, let's go quickly."

Lin Wanrong nodded, took Eldest Miss Xiao's sleeve and began to walk out. When they reached the entrance, they saw a white horse galloping from a distance. The man on the white horse was none other than Tao Dongcheng.

"Yuruo, I'm coming to save you," Tao Dongcheng shouted, urging his horse, as if afraid that people wouldn't know he was here for a rescue.

Tao Dongcheng was still forty to fifty meters away. Seeing a stone the size of a palm at his feet, Lin Wanrong picked it up. Xiao Yuruo looked at him curiously and asked, "Lin San, what are you doing?"

With a smirk, Lin Wanrong said, "Nothing, I just really dislike this type of grandstander." Having been skilled at throwing stones since his childhood, he saw Tao Dongcheng charging forth pompously, not more than twenty meters away. He aimed at the horse's head, and with a strong throw, the stone flew out and hit the target directly.

"Neigh—" The white horse let out a shocked whinny, its forehooves springing up, nearly vertical to the ground. Tao Dongcheng was thrown heavily onto the ground.

Thinking, 'You were parading around on a white horse like some prince in front of me,' Lin Wanrong made a victory sign. He turned to Xiao Qingxuan and said, "The soldiers are coming, let's run."

"But Lin San, it seemed like Tao Dongcheng was here to save us. Quite strange indeed," Xiao Yuruo commented.

Lin Wanrong glanced at her and sighed, "Miss, do you trust me?"

Seeing Lin Wanrong's uncharacteristically serious expression, Xiao Yuruo nodded, "Of course, I trust you."

Lin Wanrong thought, 'Good, she hasn't wasted all my worry.' Just as he was about to speak, he felt a sudden lightness. Xiao Qingxuan had grabbed his hand and Xiao Yuruo's, and they were soaring away into the distance.

Tao Dongcheng got up and, seeing the departing figures of the trio, kicked the ground angrily. ‘Damn it,’ it was that Lin San again who ruined his plan. He wondered why the guy who supposedly fled reappeared at such a crucial moment. Wasn't he just taking advantage of the situation?

Tao Dongcheng had calculated everything perfectly. He knew that Eldest Miss Xiao was strong-willed and would rather die than be forced. Even if he did succeed, Xiao Yuruo would undoubtedly seek death, and he wouldn't benefit from the Xiao family. Hence, he had meticulously planned this scene: when Eldest Miss Xiao would wake, when the incense burner would take effect, when he would arrive at the right time to "fight off the thieves and save the Miss," and then take advantage of her "need." With this approach, Xiao Yuruo would not have much resentment, and everything would naturally follow. However, he didn't anticipate that Lin San, who had supposedly "fled," would return at this moment and seize such an advantage.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he no longer cared about Eldest Miss Xiao. He waved at the soldiers behind him and ordered, "Fire arrows—"

The rain of arrows flew towards Lin Wanrong and the others, fast and furious. However, the trio moved faster than the arrows, and all the arrows fell to the ground, missing their target.

Feeling Xiao Qingxuan's hand burning up, Lin Wanrong turned to look at her. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, her face flushed red, looking sickly.

"Qingxuan, what's wrong?" Lin Wanrong asked hurriedly. He usually addressed her formally as Miss Xiao, but now seeing her in distress, her name just slipped out easily.

A sense of comfort flashed in Xiao Qingxuan's eyes, but her face was as hot as fire. Biting back her shyness, she leaned into his ear and said, "Find a place quickly, I need to cultivate with you!"

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