Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

Chapter 679 Went to Sea

If he hadn’t known that Alger was simple-minded, Joe would have punched him.

On the other hand, Grace was interested and nodded repeatedly. “Okay, okay, why don’t we go together?”

Charlotte looked at her in shock. “Aren’t you going on your honeymoon?”

Aldrich also looked at Grace helplessly. Obviously, he was used to her character of doing whatever she wanted.

Grace waved her hand and said, “It doesn’t matter. Besides, isn’t it an interesting activity to watch a whale?”

“That’s a deal!” Alger nodded happily and then ran away. “I’ll arrange a yacht right away.”

The two of them echoed each other and decided on tomorrow’s schedule. Charlotte finally understood why Alger thought so highly of Grace.

It turned out that the two of them could play together.

Only then did Grace remember Aldrich beside her. She shook his hand and said coquettishly, “What do you think of this idea?”

gly. As long as you like it, it’s great.

Grace stuck out her tongue at him and then turned to Charlotte. “I’m sorry, I was too excited about Alger’s proposal just now and forgot to ask for your opinion. I don’t know if you…”

Charlotte glanced at Joe. He smiled helplessly and said, “As long as you’re happy, we can do anything.”

“All right.” Charlotte was really interested in the whale, so she agreed very quickly.

Early the next morning, Charlotte tried on a bikini in her room.

The simple and generous cut fully displayed the advantages of her body. Looking at her smooth skin, Joe’s eyes darkened. “Are you going to wear this to see the whale?”

Charlotte nodded very naturally. “Yes, what’s wrong?”

Joe coughed lightly and said seriously, “I think it’s very sunny outside. It won’t be good if you get tanned.”

Charlotte raised her eyebrows. “What should I do?”

“Maybe it’ll be better to wear a sun-proof coat.” Joe even thoughtfully picked a sun-proof coat of the same color as her bikini and handed it to her.

Charlotte looked at him meaningfully. “Are you really just worried that I will be tanned?”

Joe blinked and an innocent expression appeared in his eyes. “Or else?”

Charlotte chuckled, stretched out her index finger to hook the dress, and pulled it in front of her. “I hope it’s not that Mr. Smith is too narrow-minded.”

When they arrived at the dock, Grace and Aldrich had already arrived. However, the person, Alger, who invited them had not yet appeared.

Aldrich frowned and was about to call Alger, but Grace stopped him. “Alger has never liked to be late. Something must have happened on the way. Don’t urge him.”

Aldrich glanced at Grace and nodded without saying a word.

Sure enough, Alger arrived in a hurry ten minutes later.

As soon as he arrived, he apologized to them repeatedly. “I’m sorry. I suddenly had a small car accident on the road, so I didn’t make it in time.”

Charlotte shook her head. “It’s not a big deal to be late. Are you all right?”

Alger quickly waved his hand and said, “It’s okay. I’m not the driver anyway.”

Charlotte was a little surprised, but when she thought of Alger’s special circumstances, she understood.

Alger used the yacht parked at the port owned by the Fucile family, which could accommodate 15 people. At present, there were only five of them.

Grace took out a basket and took out a lot of pastries and biscuits, as well as even roast chicken wings that looked delicious.

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