Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 681

Chapter 681

Chapter 681

Chapter 681 The Simple Alger

Joe hid the complexity in his eyes and nodded. “Of course it’s delicious. It’s just that I haven’t tasted it for a long time, so I miss it a little.”

Charlotte suddenly remembered that ever since they reunited, it had always been Joe cooking for her. It seemed that she had not cooked for him for a long time.

“Is it really so delicious?” Alger interrupted the complicated emotions between them and took a bite.

Alger nodded and gave her a thumbs-up. “It’s really delicious. Why don’t you stay at my house and be our chef!”

“Who do you think you are? You want to hire her to be your chef?” Grace knocked Alger hard on the head. “In your dreams.”

Aldrich looked at Charlotte and nodded apologetically.

After getting along with Alger a few times, Charlotte found that Alger was indeed simple and Aldrich was indeed a man of few


“I was just thinking about it.” Alger pursed his lips and said with grievance, “It’s impossible for me to invite her to be the chef, let alone she is from the Clinton Family.”

“If you know, then don’t talk.” Grace rolled her eyes at him.

Charlotte smiled and said, “I learned my cooking from the chef of CAL Restaurant in Zyphoria, and I haven’t learned much from him. If you are interested, I suggest you go to Zyphoria to taste the dishes

made by him.”

This time, it was Grace who had her eyes lit up. “Really? Then I must try it!”

Charlotte nodded with a smile and accidentally caught a glimpse of Joe’s hand reaching for the plate of biscuits.

“Wait!” Charlotte quickly said a word and stopped him.

Joe paused and looked at her in confusion.

Charlotte looked a little embarrassed. She lowered her voice and said, “This biscuits were made by me and failed. They don’t taste good.”

Just as she was serving the dishes, she brought them out. She thought that no one would notice but didn’t expect him to see it.

“You made them yourself, right?” Joe asked in reply.

Charlotte nodded and said helplessly, “Maybe I really don’t have the talent for this…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Joe suddenly picked up a biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth.

Grace looked at hi in shock. But Joe smiled and even praised Charlotte, “It tastes good.”

Grace had tasted the biscuits when they were first made! They lasted so strange that even Charlotte herself couldn’t swallow them! How could Joe smile after eating them?

Who would have a wife if such a person didn’t have a wife?

Seeing that Joe praised Charlotte, Alger also wanted to have a taste, so he reached out to take it.

However, before he could touch the biscuits, Joe took them. away from him, leaving not even a crumb behind.

“Why are you so stingy?” Alger frowned as he looked at Joe. “Can’t I just try one?”

Joe glanced at him indifferently and said, “It’s already an exception for you to eat the dishes she cooks. Don’t think about anything else.”

Alger was so angry that he wanted to say something, but Grace quickly tried to smooth things over. “Don’t say anything more. I’ll do it for you when we get back tonight…”

Before she could finish her words, Aldrich hugged her and looked at Alger coldly.

Alger snorted heavily. “Fine! You’re all bullying me in pairs! I’ll leave, okay?”

As he spoke, he rushed out of the cabin. Grace looked worriedly in the direction he had left and asked, “Is Alger really angry?”

Aldrich shook his head. Just as he was about to speak, they heard Alger exclaiming from outside, “A whale! Look! It’s a whale!”

Charlotte smiled helplessly. Sure enough, children would not be


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