Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Chapter 690 New Friends

This was what Charlotte promised Ben and Anna last time. Once she went on a long-term business trip, she would tell them what she had done and that she did not mean to keep them here, so that they could have a deeper understanding of their parents’ work.

Charlotte nodded with a smile. “Everything went well. I also made a few new friends.”

“New friends?” Anna tilted her head curiously, looked behind her, and did not find any strangers. “Where are they?”

Charlotte said with a smile, “They didn’t come back with me. I’ll take you to see them if there’s a chance in the future.”

Anna was very curious about the new friends and had to lower her head regretfully. “Well, then remember to take me with you next time!”

Charlotte agreed with a smile.

They got in the car together. Charlotte asked curiously, “How have you been recently? Did anyone say anything bad to you at school?”

Speaking of this, Anna was very excitedly, “Yes! Someone said that his father was very powerful. We said that our father was also very powerful. He was not convinced and pushed Ben to the


Joe frowned slightly and looked at Ben. “Are you all right?”

Ben nodded. “I’m fine. Sir Smith has already taught him lesson.”


“Sir Smith?” Charlotte was a little surprised and didn’t expect to disturb Sir Smith with this matter.

Anna covered her mouth and laughed. She curved her eyebrows and told her, “Yes! That day, when Ben went home, Sir Smith found something wrong, so he took us to that boy’s house and scolded his grandfather…”

“That boy’s grandfather?” Charlotte looked at Joe in shock. There was not a trace of surprise on his face. It was obvious that he was used to this kind of matter.

Anna was still excited and told her very enthusiastically, “Yes! Sir Smith said that he couldn’t scold the children but could scold adults, so he went to scold that boy’s Grandpa!”

“That boy’s grandfather was so angry that he spanked that boy on the spot.”

Charlotte listened to the whole story with her mouth agape. She had never expected that Sir Smith would scold others for Ben and Anna. Especially, given his seniority, even if he confronted the other party’s Grandpa, he was still an elder…

Thinking of this, the other party’s Grandpa was really unlucky.

suffer an unexpected disaster

because of his grandson in his later years.

After listening to this story, Charlotte did not know what to say for a while.

“From that day onwards, no one dared to bully us!” Anna stuck out her belly proudly and said with a smile, “Sir Smith also said… If Dad doesn’t get Mom, he doesn’t have to go back.”

Joe’s face suddenly darkened. What nonsense did Sir Smith talk with the children all day long?

He thought for a moment and took Charlotte’s hand. “She promised to marry me a long time ago. He failed.”

Anna clapped her hands happily. “Great! Daddy and Mommy can finally go home for dinner!”

Unexpectedly, Anna only cared about eating in her eyes. After looking at Anna speechlessly for a while, Joe lifted her up and said, “Let’s go, I will take you to cat delicious food.”

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