Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705 A Homicide The male police officer introduced himself, saying, “Hello, I’m Benjamin. There was a homicide just next to your room a moment ago. Since you might have been the last person to see them alive, we’d like to ask you some questions.” “What?” Charlotte looked at Benjamin in utter shock. “How is that possible?” She had just spoken to the couple before the auction began. It was a short auction, and now there was a crime? Seeing Charlotte’s genuine shock, and with a gentler demeanor, Benjamin explained, “After you left, the couple resumed their argument and requested the Enter title…

waiter to wait outside. The waiter had no choice but to comply with their request.” In other words, when the couple died, there should have only been the two of them in the private room. Even if there had been previous conflicts, Charlotte couldn’t fathom how two

living people could lose their lives in a short time. After answering the police’s questions somewhat dazedly, she returned to her private room. By this time, the auction was almost coming to an end. Even on the way back, Charlotte still couldn’t believe that someone would be detained in the private room next door, and they didn’t hear anything. “Mom, are you okay?” Ben noticed that Charlotte’s mood was off and looked at her with concern. Charlotte shook her head, not intending to tell the two children about the frightening incident next door. “How about we go to the amusement park?” Anna suggested excitedly. Bexonia

had the world’s largest amusement park, which was almost every child’s dream destination. Ben and Anna looked at Charlotte with pleading eyes, and Charlotte playfully pinched their noses. “Of course, we can. Tomorrow, we’ll go to the amusement park together.” Ben and Anna exchanged glances and cheered together. They didn’t expect Charlotte to agree so readily. Happiness had come too suddenly. Back at the hotel, Ben and Anna immediately started preparing the things they would need for their outing the next day. Charlotte watched as they stuffed their backpacks with all sorts of random items, feeling both exasperated and amused. “We don’t need a tent in the amusement park.” Finally, Charlotte couldn’t resist stopping them when Anna attempted to squeeze a tent into her backpack. “You two go rest now, and when you wake up, we’ll go to the amusement park.” This statement filled them with excitement. They rushed to their respective bedrooms and fell asleep in no time. Joe watched the two quirky children helplessly and sincerely said, “You’ve really been a handful.” Early the next morning, Joe and Charlotte changed into casual outfits and, with Ben and Anna, headed to the amusement park. The amusement park was crowded, and Charlotte and Joe had to hold their two children tightly, constantly reminding them not to wander off. After several rides on the carousel and roller coaster, Ben and Anna finally grew tired of them. Anna excitedly pointed ahead, saying, “I want to go there!” Charlotte followed her pointing finger and saw a huge skull hanging in the air with a pitch-black cave beneath it, looking quite spooky. Charlotte looked at Ben and Anna in disbelief. “That’s a haunted house! Are you

sure you want to go in?” She thought the two kids would be scared, but to her surprise, they nodded enthusiastically. “Of course!” Charlotte and Joe led the two children to the haunted house and carefully read the information board outside. Unlike ordinary haunted houses, this one didn’t have NPCs hiding in the dark to scare people deliberately. Instead, it featured interconnected chambers and various actors playing fierce monsters. Overall, it wasn’t too scary and seemed suitable for children to enjoy together. Seeing Ben and Anna eager to give it a try, Charlotte reluctantly agreed

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