Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Chapter 708 Someone’s Been Tending the Graves Speaking of this, Sir Smith suddenly looked at Joe as if he remembered something. “You don’t need to continue arranging for someone to tend to your parents’ graves every day… I…” “Tend graves?” Joe frowned at the words. “I haven’t arranged for anyone.” Sir Smith was puzzled. “But today…” Sir Smith had the habit of visiting Joe’s parents’ graves when he had free time. Today, when he went, he found traces of offerings on the graves. He originally thought Joe arranged it and even believed that Joe was becoming more attentive because he was getting married. Enter title…

However, it turned out not to be Joe’s doing. Joe also furrowed his brow. He informed Sir Smith about what he had witnessed during his last visit to the graves with Charlotte. This left Sir Smith even more puzzled.

The Smith Family didn’t have many relatives, and very few would voluntarily go to pay respects at Joe’s parents’ graves. Who could have left the offerings behind? Regardless of the identity of the person responsible, they followed the customs of making offerings without any inappropriate behavior. Joe and Sir Smith decided to have someone observe the area nearby but didn’t intend to investigate further. Listening to their discussion, Charlotte furrowed her brows slightly, feeling like she had seen a similar scene before. “What’s wrong?” Joe noticed her distraction and asked with concern.

Charlotte shook her head. Not long after, the surveillance team made a discovery. They caught a middle-aged man dressed plainly and brought him before Joe. Before Joe could say anything, the man kneeled down with a thud, saying, “I… I genuinely have no ulterior motives. Mr. Ralph saved my life, and I just wanted to repay the favor.” Joe opened a file on his desk containing information about the man’s life. The man was Ralph’s college classmate. Over a decade ago, the man had been sentenced to prison for white-collar crime, and it was Ralph who had taken care of his wife and children, even financially supporting his child through college. After his release from prison, the man had learned that Ralph had tragically passed away, and he felt deeply saddened. In his grief, he had regularly visited Joe’s parents’ graves. His identity had been verified, and his story checked out. Joe nodded, “You don’t have to be scared. We were just curious about who had been tending to my parents’ graves, and we had no other intentions.” The man quickly nodded and left, which was the matter’s end. A couple of weeks later, Charlotte had just finished a meeting when she saw Joe waiting in her office. “Why are you here?” Charlotte looked at Joe with surprise. He had been on business trips recently; this was the first time he had come to pick her up after a long time. Joe gave her a faint smile. “I was wondering if you have some time to go on a business trip with me, Miss Clinton.” “A business trip?” Charlotte was momentarily puzzled. There hadn’t been any collaboration projects between the Smith Group and the Horizon Group recently.

Joe nodded with seriousness. “There’s a project I’d like you to inspect with me. The time is a bit tight, and I’ve already brought the luggage.” Charlotte didn’t expect him to be in such a hurry, so she somewhat absentmindedly went along with it and boarded the plane. As the plane soared through the layers of clouds, Charlotte passed by the orange-red sunset. She gazed at the clouds tinted with shades of pink and orange, her face lit up with amazement. “It’s so beautiful!” Joe walked up behind her and gently embraced her. “Indeed, it’s very beautiful.” While he praised the scenery, his gaze remained fixated on Charlotte’s delicate profile.

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