Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713 Have Great Chemistry Not only that but behind the main building, there were five independent courtyards. Each building had a slightly different architectural style, yet miraculously, they all appeared unified and harmonious. “Every part of this estate is absolutely perfect,” Joe said to Charlotte with a look of pleasant surprise. It could be said that Charlotte had truly mastered her grandmother’s design philosophy, incorporating modern comfort. This estate embodied the ideal house that everyone might fantasize about. Enter title…

Charlotte even prepared a separate playground for the children so they could play and enjoy themselves without leaving the estate. “It was originally my intention to surprise you, but in the end, you surprised me even more,” Joe said to Charlotte with a hint of helplessness.

Charlotte smiled and replied, “I happened to find out that Trevor had this piece of land, so I contacted him and arranged an exchange. Since you’ve been surprising me all this time, it’s about time I surprised you in return.” Joe lowered his head and affectionately brushed her nose. “Do we need to worry about these things between us? Everything is yours.” Charlotte’s slender fingers suddenly hooked into his palm, and she smiled as she said, “Actually, this house has another wonderful feature.” Holding Joe’s hand, she led him to the edge of the backyard, pushing open a door. Inside, there was an unexpected surprise. Passing by a garden wall, they discovered a bamboo cottage identical to the

one on the island. When they opened the door, they found the cottage roof open, revealing a steaming hot spring. “What’s this?” Joe couldn’t believe his eyes as he looked at Charlotte. Having supervised the construction of the bamboo cottages on the island, he knew very well that such a cottage couldn’t have been built overnight. Charlotte smiled and said, “We can only say that we have great chemistry between us.” Joe looked at her with deepening eyes, stepped closer, and embraced her. “Since we’re here, why not try this hot spring and see how it feels?” As soon as Charlotte heard “try this hot spring,” she immediately understood. Her expression changed slightly, but before she could speak, Joe kissed her passionately. His lips were still a bit cool, but he boldly explored and claimed every bit of her sweetness, taking it without reservation. Initially, Charlotte tried to resist, but gradually, her body softened, and her hands instinctively climbed up to his neck. In the hot spring pool, water splashed around, creating a romantic and alluring atmosphere. Fortunately, this time, Joe showed restraint, and they both woke up refreshed the next morning, ready for the day ahead. “After we finish the wedding, let’s move in here,” Joe whispered while holding Charlotte. Charlotte nodded and added, “The closest small courtyard to the main house is for Sir Smith. After we all move in, he’ll be lonely in his current place. Why don’t we all move in together?” Joe was taken aback, surprised that Charlotte had thought of even this detail. He held Charlotte tightly, deeply moved, and said, “Thank you.”

If it weren’t for Charlotte, he didn’t know what he would be like now. After they finished packing, Mandy called Charlotte before they left. Seeing Charlotte’s slightly furrowed brows, Joe immediately stopped in his tracks and softly asked, “What’s going on?” Charlotte sighed and said, “We were photographed when we got our marriage certificate. Someone uploaded it to social media, and it’s already gone viral.”

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