Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 717

Chapter 717

Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Being Secretly Monitored for Some Time “Since the other party chose to do it this way, it proves she’s not willing to confront me directly, and it’s even less likely that she’d attack me,” Charlotte didn’t like having too many bodyguards around her. “Moreover, Mandy is already sufficient.” Seeing Charlotte’s insistence, Joe didn’t press further and said, “During this period, I’ll personally pick you up and drop you off at work. That’s my bottom line.” Charlotte reluctantly nodded and agreed. Enter title…

In the afternoon, there was indeed news from Sharon, but he hadn’t found any information about the person who left the teddy bear. The only thing they could confirm was that the person was likely a woman. He sent back a video that left Charlotte speechless. It was surveillance footage from the apartment hallway. In the video, a figure

wearing a black raincoat carefully placed the box at the entrance of Charlotte’s apartment. After setting down the box, the figure didn’t leave immediately but rather lingered, caressing the door for a while, and muttered something before reluctantly departing. Even though they were separated by a screen, Charlotte couldn’t help but feel a shiver down her spine. Joe’s expression darkened further, and even though he knew that Charlotte hadn’t been living there for a long time, he wished he could burst through the screen and apprehend the person responsible.

Suppressing her unease, Charlotte carefully observed the intruder’s attire. From her figure, it seemed to be a petite woman. However, she was completely obscured by a duckbill cap, a mask, and a raincoat, making it impossible to see her real face. But judging by her familiarity with the surroundings, it was evident that the intruder had done reconnaissance many times before. She knew the exact locations of every surveillance camera in the building. Except for this unavoidable entrance, she had never appeared on any of the monitors. This person had been secretly monitoring Charlotte for quite some time. Charlotte pondered, “While my apartment’s security isn’t extremely tight, it’s not easy for someone to come and go as they please. How did she become so familiar with the locations of the cameras?” Moreover, Charlotte’s address had never been publicly disclosed. How did this person find out where she lived? After a moment of silence, Joe decided to contact the two bodyguards. It was evident that the intruder was targeting Charlotte, and if she failed this time, there might be a next. “These bodyguards won’t appear in front of you. They’re responsible for covertly safeguarding your security, observing the people around, and intervening at the first sign of any unusual activity,” Joe explained to Charlotte. After watching the video, he had a strong suspicion that the intruder might be dealing with psychological issues. When dealing with such individuals, they couldn’t rely on the perspective of a normal person, and they had no idea what this person might do. Charlotte understood that this was already a concession made by Joe. After giving it some thought, she agreed. Sharon also stated that he would continue to trace the intruder’s whereabouts

and ensure she was identified. However, this person seemed to be elusive, and finding her would take some time. Seeing Joe’s continued concern, Charlotte shifted his attention, “Have all the wedding invitations been sent out?” Joe’s focus immediately returned to the wedding, and he nodded, “Yes, they’ve all been sent out. Everyone will be there.” Charlotte nodded, but then she heard Joe’s voice grow heavy, “Damon told me that Zoe has prepared a pre-wedding party for you?”

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