Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719 Like a Stalker Fan Sharon’s gaze remained fixated on the girl as he turned to Charlotte. “Did you notice she resembles the person who left the teddy bear at your apartment door?” Charlotte’s expression turned serious as soon as Sharon mentioned it. She carefully compared the different figures in the two videos and nodded with a grave expression. “Indeed, quite a resemblance.” That night, the person at her apartment door had been wearing a raincoat and a duckbill hat, making it difficult to discern her appearance clearly. Today, she did not try to conceal herself and appeared entirely normal. Enter title…

“Find out who this person is,” Sharon instructed Frank, who scrutinized the video for a while before hesitantly saying, “This girl is… Her name is Zoey Anderson. She’s been working as an assistant in the finance department for

over a year.” Charlotte and Sharon exchanged a glance, and Sharon immediately pulled Frank aside, intending to locate this finance assistant. Half an hour later, the two returned with stern expressions. “She ran away,” Sharon’s voice carried a hint of irritation. “I didn’t expect her to react so quickly.” When he and Frank went to find her, her seat had already been vacant for quite some time. According to Zoey’s colleagues, she had taken sick leave, claiming to feel unwell, and had gone home after delivering the documents. “We might still catch her if we go to her rented apartment now,” Sharon said coldly.

He hadn’t expected a petite girl to repeatedly slip away right under his nose. If the people from before found out, he wouldn’t have a future. Mandy furrowed her brow. “Why does this person look more and more like those stalker fans of celebrities?” “Stalker fans?” When Charlotte heard this unfamiliar term, she looked at Mandy with curiosity. Knowing that Charlotte hadn’t encountered this before, Mandy quickly explained, “It’s when some people become fanatical about celebrities, going to extremes like stalking them at their homes, stealing their personal belongings, taking private photos, and so on. These people are like lunatics; you can’t reason with them.” Thinking about it, this Zoey indeed resembled such a fanatic. But Charlotte wasn’t a public figure, so why would someone be so obsessed with her? “Regardless, let’s find her first,” Sharon said decisively. This time, he was determined to catch that person. Charlotte thought for a moment. “I’ll go with you.” “No!” Sharon immediately rejected her proposal without thinking. “The person is after you, specifically. If you go to find her yourself, it might only excite her more!” “But if she’s intentionally hiding, maybe only I can provoke her to come out,” Charlotte said seriously. Sharon hesitated for a moment. “We’ll go first and make sure it’s safe before we let you come.” Charlotte nodded in agreement. At this point, she had no intention of going to work anymore. She decided to inform Joe, and then she headed home. As they got into the car, Mandy was still puzzled about why this person was so

fixated on Charlotte. However, Charlotte had a strange feeling that something was amiss. “What’s wrong?” Mandy noticed Charlotte’s silence and turned to her in confusion.

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