Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Chapter 724

Chapter 724 Arrived on Love Island a Week Early With Charlotte’s letter of forgiveness and the fact that Zoey hadn’t caused any substantial harm, the police detained her for only a few days before releasing her. In light of this, Zoey’s mother waited long to meet Charlotte at the Horizon Group’s gate to express her gratitude sincerely. “We will take her back to our hometown for treatment, and once she’s recovered, we’ll support her in studying architecture,” she said. As she uttered those words, a hint of bitterness crossed her face. Enter title…

If only they hadn’t been so arbitrary in their decisions, Zoey wouldn’t have endured this torment and suffering… Fortunately, Zoey was young and had a chance to start anew. Charlotte nodded and placed a book on architectural design in front of Zoey’s

mother. Zoey’s mother opened it in astonishment and found a sentence written by Charlotte on the title page: “Having the determination to take risks also requires the courage to accept failure.” Tears welled up in Zoey’s mother’s eyes as she bent down, preparing to kneel before Charlotte. However, Charlotte refused, saying, “I’ve merely extended a helping hand; her success depends on her efforts.” Zoey’s mother wiped away her tears and hesitated with a choked voice before leaving. She said to Charlotte, “These past few days, Zoey has been murmuring about someone wanting to harm you… No one knows whether what she’s saying is true or false. Please be careful.”

Charlotte’s brows furrowed, and she nodded in acknowledgment. However, the following days passed without any disturbances, and Charlotte gradually put this matter behind her. As the wedding day approached, Charlotte and her friends, who had some free time, arrived on Love Island a week early. The island was bustling with preparations for the wedding, and even Sir Smith, who had intended to relax during this busy time, was drafted to help. Lena, Gideon, and others willingly participated in the preparations, working tirelessly to complete the setup of all the scenes. If the underwater crystal palace had amazed them before, the now fully decorated scenes meticulously recreated every detail from a fairy tale. Joe even spared no expense to build a transparent glass floor at the bottom of the palace, allowing seawater to flow beneath it. As people walked over it, lights illuminated, offering a clear view of the underwater marine life. Seeing this scene, Lena raised an eyebrow and teasingly said to Charlotte, “Who would’ve thought that Mr. Smith would have such a romantic side?” Charlotte chuckled softly, replying, “He has indeed put a lot of thought into preparing for this wedding.” Although she said that, the wedding decorations were undeniably magnificent. To prevent any incidents like Zoey’s, Charlotte and Joe declined all media interviews. They only agreed to release some videos and photos after the wedding. Just this decision had the domestic media scrambling for coverage, with one social media platform even offering a substantial sum for exclusive rights to broadcast the images and videos. However, that was a story for another time.

Two days before the wedding, Charlotte hosted a small banquet, inviting all her female friends to attend, which could be considered a bachelorette party. On the day of the banquet, Charlotte wore a silver satin gown that accentuated her graceful figure and added a unique charm and sensuality to her presence. When Lena saw her, she whistled loudly and couldn’t help but smile playfully. “Grace surely has a talent for this. This dress suits you perfectly,” Lena exclaimed in admiration.

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