Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Chapter 734 Charlotte Disappeared “Next, let us welcome the most beautiful bride!” The emcee was a famous TV host, and he smiled, gesturing towards the direction of the door. Huxley was waiting eagerly by the entrance, extending his hand, ready to escort Charlotte. However, the doors of the hall remained closed. The emcee’s smile froze for a moment. Could it be that the bride had changed her mind and run away?

He cleared his throat and repeated his announcement, but there was still no response. Joe’s expression began to darken. He walked straight to the doors and forcefully swung them open. Outside, there was emptiness. Not only was Charlotte missing, but even the attendants assigned to accompany her had also vanished without a trace. “I’ll go check first.” Sharon patted Joe’s shoulder, firmly believing that Charlotte wouldn’t escape at

this crucial moment, but he was worried that something might have happened. Joe shook his head. “I’ll come with you.” The two of them rushed to the waiting room. As they crossed the corridor, Joe saw a figure lying at the entrance of the waiting room from a distance, and his heart sank. He slowed down his pace, his face growing serious as he approached. Lying at the door was the makeup artist who had been with Charlotte today.

There were dark red stains on her forehead, making it appear as though she had been knocked unconscious. However, the two attendants who were supposed to escort Charlotte and Mandy were also missing. The entire waiting room was empty. Something had gone wrong. Regardless of whether it was Joe or Sharon, those words flashed through their minds. Joe stepped into the waiting room while Sharon quickly called for someone to carry the makeup artist away. Her condition was dire, and it was evident that the person who had harmed her had been ruthless; there were signs of violence. Joe, however, didn’t notice Sharon’s actions. His heart was racing, and his mind was blank. He knew he should react quickly and make various decisions, but he couldn’t even manage the most basic task of speaking. At this moment, Joe was like a fish stranded on the shore, gasping for breath with no capacity for rational thought. Sharon paced around the waiting room with a grim expression. He couldn’t quite fathom it. Given Charlotte’s intelligence and capabilities, even if she had been forcibly taken, it was impossible for her to disappear so quietly. Moreover, apart from the makeup artist, there was no disturbance. It just didn’t make sense. Then there was Mandy. If Mandy had noticed that Charlotte was missing and had followed her, there was no way she wouldn’t have left behind some clue… The more Sharon thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss. His gaze swept over everything in the waiting room, and suddenly, he noticed a candlestick on the table. This candlestick was quite inconspicuous, sitting in a dusty corner.

But it was precisely this that caught Sharon’s attention. After all, Joe had strict requirements for this wedding. How could he allow a candlestick covered in dust? Sharon approached it, intending to inspect the candlestick closely. However, as soon as he picked up the candlestick, a doorway suddenly appeared on the wall of the waiting room. Sharon was astonished, and he instinctively looked at Joe. “Was this part of your plan?” Only now did Joe regain his senses. He walked up to the doorway and furrowed his brows, shaking his head. “No, I had no idea this existed.” “What’s wrong with Charlotte? Where is she?” Just as the two of them were marveling at the doorway, Sir Smith, Old Mr. Clinton, and the others hurried over and were shocked to see the bloodstains on the floor.

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