Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Chapter 736 Who Has Such Deep Pockets? Upon hearing this, Sharon’s face turned dark. He nodded at Mandy and said, “I understand now. You take a good rest first.” Perhaps her physical strength had been pushed to its limits because after uttering these words, Mandy passed out completely. Jack, who had just arrived at the scene, paled upon witnessing this. He rushed forward and inquired, “What’s wrong with her? Is she badly injured? I’ll go call a doctor right away!” He dared not look at Mandy for long and immediately hurried off to find a doctor.

When he returned, one of Jack’s shoes had fallen off, and the doctor he had fetched was almost out of breath, struggling to keep up. Jack carefully took Mandy from Sharon’s hands. Aware of the urgency, the doctor suppressed any complaints and hurriedly examined Mandy. Bending down, the doctor furrowed his brows as he assessed Mandy’s condition. “She’s severely injured. If we don’t treat her promptly, her life could be at risk. But given the current situation…”

It was just a wedding venue, and the medical facilities were far from adequate. Jack spoke rapidly, saying, “I’ve already contacted a helicopter. They’ll be here soon to evacuate her. You focus on providing initial treatment.” The doctor, now reassured, efficiently tended to Mandy’s wounds. Afterward, he advised Jack to gently place her on the ground so she could rest properly for the time being. But Jack refused to let go of Mandy, and the doctor, feeling helpless, had no choice but to follow him. Seeing his slightly reddened eyes, Sharon comforted him in a low voice, “Don’t

worry. She has survived so many life-threatening situations in the past; this time will surely be no different.” Jack looked tenderly at Mandy and nodded, saying, “I know.” In Sharon’s mind, he was still contemplating what Mandy had said about the mercenaries. For some reason, most mercenaries wouldn’t choose to conflict with him. And he had never deliberately concealed his relationship with Charlotte. The fact that they were able to hire mercenaries this time for the job surely meant that they had spared no expense. After a moment of thought, he immediately made a phone call. No one answered on the other end. Sharon’s brows furrowed tightly, and he sent a voice message with a sneer, “If you don’t want me to show up at your doorstep right now, you’d better pick up the phone.” Shortly after sending the message, Sharon’s phone rang, and an elderly male voice came through the receiver. “Please spare me. I really don’t know anything!” The man began pleading, but the coldness in Sharon’s eyes deepened. “I haven’t even asked you anything yet. How do you know what I want to ask?” “Well…” The man let out a deep sigh. “I’ll be honest with you. Someone has put up a one hundred million dollar bounty to take your friend away. I don’t know who exactly took this job; all I know is that they don’t want her dead.” With that, he hastily hung up the phone. Sharon’s face turned ominously dark. “One hundred million dollars,” Joe repeated in a cold tone. “Who has such deep pockets? Just to take her away?” His gaze settled on the vast expanse of the ocean, a shiver of unease running

down his spine. When the two returned to the banquet hall, everyone rushed over, asking, “What happened? What’s going on?” Joe glanced at Erik and said, “Lock down the scene. Everyone needs to verify their identity and provide their whereabouts for the past two days.” As his words sank in, the expressions on everyone’s faces turned grim. It meant that Charlotte was indeed in trouble. Erik immediately opened his laptop and started typing rapidly.

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