Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Chapter 738 The Situation Doesn’t Look Optimistic Upon returning to the island in haste, Sharon did not see any trace of Joe. Gorya raised her eyebrows and informed him, “After you left, Mr. Smith locked himself in his study. It’s been said that he’s been on the phone the entire time, but no matter how we called, he didn’t come out.” A hint of concern flashed in Sharon’s eyes as he quickly made his way to Joe’s room. This room was supposed to be their bridal chamber, but it remained while the bride was nowhere to be found. Sharon suppressed his emotions and knocked on the door.

As expected, there was no response. He thought for a moment and said, “I’ve found some clues, and you…” The room’s door was quickly pulled open, and a disheveled Joe appeared in front of him. His voice was hoarse as he asked, “What clues?” With his voice came a heavy scent of smoke. Sharon’s gaze landed on the ashtray on the table, where the cigarette butts

were almost overflowing. It was hard to imagine how many cigarettes Joe had smoked during this time. Sharon furrowed his brows, walked to the window, pushed it open, and angrily glared at Joe. “Charlotte hasn’t been found yet, and you’re planning to smoke yourself to death?” Joe didn’t care about the sarcasm and continued, “What clues have you found?” “I’ve found the mercenaries who kidnapped Charlotte,” Sharon’s tone grew heavier. “The situation doesn’t look optimistic.” Joe closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly, sighing deeply. “Regardless, we

have to find her first.” Sharon lowered his gaze. “Perhaps there’s another way.” Joe immediately looked at him, and Sharon continued, “We can gather mercenaries to track them down, but it’s highly likely to make them desperate.” Based on the information they had so far, the employer’s demand seemed to be capturing Charlotte alive without any intention to harm her. But once those tracking Solomon make a move and startle them, the consequences would no longer be within their control. Joe sat in silence, his hand reaching for the table to grab a cigarette, but Sharon stopped him. He looked up at her with a bewildered expression, and seeing him like this, Sharon sighed deeply, “I know you’re hurting right now, but you can’t destroy your own body like this.” “Do you really plan on bringing Charlotte back and letting yourself fall apart?” Joe looked at their wedding photo on the table and eventually withdrew his hand. With furrowed brows, he said to Sharon, “Give it three days. If there’s no progress after three days, we’ll gather the mercenaries.” This time, Charlotte’s disappearance was truly baffling. Everyone involved had been thoroughly investigated, but there was no sign that anyone had laid a hand on her. It was as if a group of people had appeared out of nowhere to take her away, with no apparent origin or purpose. Even Sharon was filled with bewilderment. Soon, the blonde assistant sent to investigate the architects and construction workers returned. “What do you mean ‘all gone’?” Joe questioned the blonde assistant impatiently.

“Didn’t you find any leads?” The blonde assistant shook his head. “No.” He placed a thick stack of documents in front of Joe, and the contents were alarming. “We investigated all the workers, contractors, and architects involved in the construction. We found that approximately ten workers and one architect had all suffered various fatal accidents.” Joe opened the documents, and the descriptions of the accidents were diverse and unsettling.

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