Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741 A New Lead The material supplier for this project was named Ethan. He was a cautious person, and when he noticed discrepancies in the materials’ quantity, he secretly became suspicious. The construction proceeded without any issues, and Ethan gradually forgot about the matter. However, not long after the project was completed, several accidents involving workers occurred. Ethan’s sharp instincts told him something was amiss. He decided to investigate quietly, going into hiding.

MAN-UP NOW BY DOING THIS! × Ad Perhaps he hid too well, as those orchestrating events couldn’t locate him, and the matter eventually faded away. This time, it was purely by chance that Sharon encountered Ethan. Ethan was tired of living in hiding and finally agreed to cooperate with them. “He’s just a material supplier. What could he possibly know?” Joe was not

optimistic. There had been too much ambiguous information lately, and he didn’t want to waste time on these matters. However, Sharon shook his head. “Right now, we don’t have any other leads. It’s better to meet with him.” To ensure his safety, Ethan arranged their meeting in a remote mountain town. Upon seeing Joe, Ethan immediately asked, “Are you sure you can guarantee my safety?” “As long as the information you provide is valuable, I promise no harm will come to you,” Sharon said calmly. “Besides, at this point, you don’t have any other

options but to trust us.” After some hesitation, Ethan finally agreed. “I might know who those people were paid by,” Ethan said, immediately causing Joe and Sharon to become alert. It turned out that when the material costs increased significantly, Ethan had tried to contact the architect to inquire about the material payment. The architect told Ethan that the payment was divided into two installments for tax purposes. Now, it seemed they were just trying to prevent Joe from discovering any issues in these affairs. In any case, due to certain restrictions on the transfer of funds, Ethan eventually received the funds from a business company in Halcyonland. And surprisingly, this business company was still operating! “This is indeed lead,” Sharon nodded and asked Ethan to provide all the relevant information about the business company. Ethan hesitated briefly when he was about to write down the information, “You won’t betray me, will you? My life is in your hands!” Sharon, feeling helpless, summoned four bodyguards and had them stick close to Ethan, temporarily staying in this small town. “Don’t worry; we’ll definitely inform you as soon as this matter is resolved,” Sharon earnestly promised Ethan. With no other options, Ethan reluctantly agreed. Once they had the information, Joe immediately forwarded it to Jack, instructing him to continue the investigation. In less than half an hour, Jack sent back the investigation results. Although this business company was based in Halcyonland, the actual controlling company behind it was a group from Dynastica. Moreover, this group was rumored to

have a background in the underworld. “How could Charlotte possibly be connected to these people?” Sharon frowned as she looked at the information sent by Jack. Joe shook his head, “As far as I know, neither the Faulkner Family nor the Clinton Family has any dealings with this group.” They exchanged a glance, and it seemed they would have to offer a reward for information about those mercenaries

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