Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 746 Behind the Wooden Door On the other end, Joe and Sharon hurriedly brought the woman to the designated rendezvous point. The woman’s name was Skylar. She knew that she could only save her life if she behaved herself, so she was very cooperative along the way. They flew to a small bordering country not far from Albania. This place was notorious for being an unregulated territory, as it attracted various shady dealings due to its mixed population, making it the preferred location for these gray transactions.

Skylar led them to a run-down motel, and Joe and Sharon exchanged skeptical glances. Understanding their lack of trust, Skylar explained, “This is our transit point. To reach the delivery point, we must be guided there by the motel’s owner.” Joe glanced at Sharon and, seeing him nod, signaled for the bodyguards to enter the hotel with him. For this trip, Joe had deliberately hired four mercenaries as bodyguards, each

exuding an extraordinary aura. As they entered the hotel, the innkeeper immediately noticed them and cautiously placed his hand beneath the counter. Seeing this, Skylar hurriedly stepped forward. “Don’t take any action; it’s me!” With Skylar, who had been standing behind them, appearing, the innkeeper relaxed slightly but looked at Sharon and Joe with a meaningful gaze. “What are they here for?” Skylar had no choice but to explain, “Blackbeard’s job went south, and they want to go inside to find someone.”

The innkeeper had heard some rumors about Solomon’s recent activities, so he understood the situation after hearing Skylar’s words. The boss smiled and took out his hand. “I heard that you made a lot of money this time…” Hearing the insinuation in his words, Skylar turned to look at Joe. Joe took out a check from his pocket and casually added several zeros, which delighted the innkeeper. He was about to reach for it when Joe withdrew his hand. The innkeeper’s expression immediately darkened. “You playing with me?” Joe smirked. “Once we’re inside, the money will be yours.” The innkeeper gave him a deep look but ultimately decided to trust Skylar. He made a gesture to them. The innkeeper led them through a maze of alleys and arrived at an old wooden door. He knocked three times rhythmically. The door creaked open, revealing a disheveled elderly man who eyed them suspiciously. The innkeeper rapidly spoke to the old man, who reluctantly opened the wooden door and gestured for them to enter. Behind that wooden door lay a completely different world. Without the dirty and disorderly alleys, without the decrepit buildings, the interior was splendidly decorated, with even the doorknobs made of pure gold. Even someone as worldly as Sharon couldn’t help but marvel, “It seems like this business really makes money!” Joe didn’t have time to admire the decor. Instead, he looked coldly at Skylar. “Where exactly is this delivery point you mentioned?” Skylar had to explain, “This is the largest black market trading place in the entire country. Apart from the well-known auctions, they also have private trading

venues.” “Buyers and sellers pre-book trading rooms according to each other’s needs and place the goods inside. When the deal is confirmed, the money is transferred to the seller’s account.” “At that time, we placed Miss Charlotte in Room 008. After verification by the exchange, they transferred the money to our account.”

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