Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Chapter 762 Ties of the Black Market The person on the other end of the phone was Selina. The moment Charlotte appeared in the black market, Selina sensed something was wrong. Instead of acting rashly, she took the initiative to contact Joe. At that time, Joe had just received a call from Martha and quickly figured out the situation. Martha and Hope had bribed people in the black market to quietly send Charlotte in and stage a rescue act. By the time Selina realized what was happening, the person who had bribed Charlotte had already “died accidentally,” leaving no evidence.

Joe decided to collaborate with Selina to turn the tables on Martha and Hope, making them think he truly believed them. “Thank you for today,” Joe paused before thanking Selina.

She chuckled, “If it weren’t for your deep love for your wife, I wouldn’t have helped you.” There are too many scumbags in this world, so when she encounters someone truly devoted, why wouldn’t she lend a hand? “If they make any other moves in the future, please let me know right away.” Selina agreed without hesitation, “As long as the money is right, I can do anything for you.” After hanging up the phone, Joe went downstairs. Ben and Anna were already gone. Joe was somewhat surprised; Charlotte had just returned, so how could they just leave her?

Noticing his confusion, Charlotte explained, “They probably sensed my awkwardness and made an excuse to go upstairs and make gifts for me.” Suddenly having two such big kids, Charlotte didn’t know how to interact with them and had no recollection of the past they talked about. She couldn’t bear to disappoint the children, so she just nodded and agreed. Perhaps because of this, Ben and Anna took the initiative to find an excuse to go upstairs. After hearing Charlotte’s words, Joe looked at her seriously and said, “We are all your family; we can accept you whether you’re good or bad. You don’t have to force yourself to look happy; they will understand.”

“But they are just two children…” Charlotte frowned, not knowing how she used to interact with the two children. But she knew that if her own mother suddenly became a stranger to her, she would be very sad.

Joe was silent for a moment before softly reassuring her, “Everything will get better.” When it was time to sleep, guided by Mrs. River, Charlotte came to her own room and saw Joe leaving with a pillow. She belatedly realized that as Joe’s wife, she should be sleeping with him. But now… “I’m in the next room; if you need anything, just call out for me,” Joe said proactively. Hearing him say that, Charlotte could only nod silently. Upon opening the door to the master bedroom, she found everything in the room unfamiliar. Maybe her past self had always lived here, but now she felt nothing but unfamiliarity.

After taking a shower, she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. She thought it would be hard to fall asleep, given that she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for days.

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