Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 789 Fishing Date

Chapter 789 Fishing Date

Chapter 789 Fishing Date

Joe chuckled, “What does it matter? There’s only the two of us on the boat, even if it sinks…”

Charlotte gave him a disapproving look, so Joe quickly changed his tune, “I promise it’ll be fine; don’t you trust me?”

Even though the amnesic her had only known Joe for a short time, she had to admit he was trustworthy.

Seeing his confidence, Charlotte slowly relaxed and took hold of the yacht’s steering wheel.

Meanwhile, Joe intentionally or unintentionally stood behind her, placing his hands on the wheel from behind.

For a moment, the distance between them closed, Charlotte looked back at him but said nothing.

Knowing that this was her tacit consent, Joe’s lips curled into a smile. But he also knew it was not the time to make further moves, so he pretended nothing had happened and focused on teaching Charlotte how to sail.

What he didn’t notice was that, as he was earnestly sailing the yacht,

Charlotte’s body also relaxed slightly.

And so, the two of them took the yacht all the way to the open sea.

Surrounded by the vast blue ocean, it felt as if only their yacht was left between the sky and the earth.

Charlotte stood on the deck and suddenly felt an illusion that they were the only two people left in the world.

All the conspiracies and pressures seemed to be far away from her.

“Fancy some fishing?” Joe pulled out two sets of fishing gear from somewhere and handed them to Charlotte, “They say deep-sea fishing gives you the greatest sense of accomplishment. Want to give it a try?”

Charlotte also became interested. She followed Joe’s example, hooked the bait on the fishing line, and cast the fishing rod into the sea.

It must be said that Joe chose an excellent spot. In no time, Charlotte caught a grouper weighing around two pounds.

She looked at Joe excitedly, “I caught one!”

Joe looked at the grouper in her hand and her bright smile, and he slowly smiled, “You’re really good!”

Charlotte glanced at the bucket beside his foot, which already had a few fish in it, and felt a little embarrassed, “I still can’t beat you.”

“Don’t worry, there’s a beginner’s protection period in fishing, you’ll soon surpass me,” Joe said comfortingly.

Perhaps there really was a so-called beginner’s protection area, or perhaps

Joe was deliberately letting her win, but soon Charlotte caught quite a few fish, almost filling up the bucket beside her foot.

Concerned that they might catch too much to eat, the two of them stopped fishing almost simultaneously.

Just as Charlotte was about to pick up the bucket beside her foot, Joe took it from her, “Since it’s a date, how can I let you do the work? You just wait to eat.”

Hearing Joe’s words, Charlotte was taken aback.

Her gaze fell on the fish in the bucket, “Eat these fish?”

Joe nodded naturally, “We worked so hard to catch them; of course, we should eat them.”

“But…” Charlotte looked around and confirmed that only the two of them were on the yacht, and there was no chef.

“I can’t cook…” Charlotte hesitated.

Joe immediately understood her hesitation and chuckled, “Don’t worry; leave it all to me…”

Finishing speaking, he went to the kitchen with the bucket. It was then that Charlotte realized, was Joe going to cook himself?

She thought about it and followed him into the kitchen. She watched as Joe skillfully scaled and gutted the fish, incredibly adept.

If she didn’t already know Joe’s identity, his actions alone might make one think he was some professional chef from a Michelin-starred restaurant.

“It’ll be ready soon.”

Joe looked at Charlotte with a smile, and Charlotte’s eyes sparkled as she put away her surprise.

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