Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 804 A Psychic Treatment

Chapter 804 A Psychic Treatment

Chapter 804 A Psychic Treatment

After what had happened in the villa, Charlotte looked even worse.

Not only was Charlotte completely tired, but her moving eyes had also completely lost their luster. She was dull and listless. It could be seen that she was not in good condition.

Dr. Garie was stunned for a moment and then made way for them. “Come in.”

They walked into the house and saw a woman in a light-colored dress sitting in the living room.

Dr. Garie explained to them, “She is my wife, Evelina.”

Evelina stood up with a smile and served each of them a cup of coffee. “I made this myself, please.”

Evelina looked at Charlotte with pity, “How thin she is. I have to take good care of you.”

While speaking, Evelina was about to cook for them, but Dr. Garie quickly stopped her, “You’re not in good health. Don’t mess around.”

Joe nodded repeatedly. “I’ve already arranged for lunch to be delivered. Thank you, Mrs. Garie.”

Evelina had no choice but to sit down and glared at Dr. Garie. “I’m not a child. Do I need to be protected all the time?”

Dr. Garie let her complain, but the smile on his face did not disappear at all. Joe took the opportunity to tell him about Charlotte’s situation. Dr. Garie frowned,

“There is such a black sheep among psychologists? This is too much!” Dr. Garie looked at Charlotte

and frowned slightly. “If that’s the case, your problem is indeed not so easy to solve.”

Joe handed the help letter written by Charlotte to Dr. Garie, “This is the letter she wrote when she was awake. Maybe it can help you.”

Dr. Garie read through Charlotte’s letter quickly. The more he read, the angrier he became.

Dr. Garie slammed the letter on the table. “Such scum can’t be called a psychologist at all!”

Anyone with poor psychological quality could collapse or even commit suicide because of the sins of Smollett.

Seeing this, Evelina hurried forward to comfort him. “It’s too late for you to be angry now. Think about how to cure her.”

Dr. Garie just now was like a furious lion, but now he was like a docile puppy.

Dr. Garie looked at Evelina helplessly, “Yeah. I just… can’t stand such a vicious person.”

“It’s only a matter of time before such a vicious person will be punished in prison. Right?” Evelina patted Dr. Garie on the shoulder, and the last bit of Dr. Garie’s anger was extinguished.

Dr. Garie looked at Joe, “According to what you said, the most critical thing for her now is to have nightmares. I can help her remove these psychological hints first.”

For Charlotte and Joe, this was the best news.

Joe immediately pulled Charlotte up, “It’s better to do it sooner rather than later. Dr. Garie…”

Dr. Garie glared at him grumpily, “What’s the rush? I have to check on her first.”\

As he spoke, Dr. Garie made a gesture to Charlotte, indicating that she should go to the study with him for a basic test.

Charlotte looked back at Joe, then turned around and went into the study with Dr. Garie.

Meanwhile, Joe and Evelina stayed in the living room.

Joe looked at the door of the study from time to time. It was obvious that he was nervous.

Seeing this, Evelina pushed the cup of coffee on the table in his direction, “Drink some coffee? It may help you relieve your tension.”

Joe was stunned.

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