Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 809 The Overconfident Man

Chapter 809 The Overconfident Man

Chapter 809 The Overconfident Man

Charlotte didn’t expect Joe to dance so well. She looked at him in surprise, “Why are you so good at dancing?”

“If you attend enough banquets, you will be familiar with these dance steps.” He says casually, but Charlotte could hear a hint of resentment in Joe’s tone.

Charlotte lowered her head. She held Joe’s hand tightly, “Well, please teach me to dance.”

Joe’s gaze fell on their hands. Perhaps even Charlotte herself didn’t realize that she had relaxed a lot when facing Joe, and she couldn’t help showing some dependence and intimacy.

Joe didn’t make it clear. Instead, he looked at Charlotte and tightened his grip.

“Yeah, I’ll teach you well.”

The two of them continued to dance on the dance floor. The hem of Charlotte’s fiery red dress fluttered up and down with her dance, making her look extremely beautiful.

It was a combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Coupled with their tacit dance steps, they naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Gradually, everyone’s gaze fell on them, and they even took the initiative to surround them. They applauded the music and looked at them with admiration.

At first, Charlotte was still a little nervous, but under the gaze of Joe, all her nervousness disappeared, and only Joe was left in her eyes.

When the song ended to its heart’s content, everyone remembered the warm applause.

Charlotte looked at Joe with a smile, panting slightly.

Joe laughed lowly, “You’re great.”

Their gaze gradually became sticky, as if something was connecting them. There was no room for a third person at all.

It was not until the second piece of music sounded that Charlotte came to her senses and stepped aside in a panic.

“I need some food.” Charlotte didn’t look directly at Joe. She quickly turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Joe chuckled.

Although it was just a party prepared by everyone, there was a lot of special food from Halcyonland on the dessert table, which looked very appetizing.

Initially, Charlotte had found an excuse to hide here to escape the embarrassment, but when she saw the food on the table clearly, she was really hungry. Charlotte randomly picked a few pieces of cake that looked delicious and walked to the side with a plate. At this moment, a tall man came over. “You’re probably the only lady who ate at this banquet.”

Hearing this, Charlotte frowned slightly and looked back at the man.

The man quickly waved his hand and explained, “Sorry, I just find your behavior very interesting.”

Charlotte didn’t think it was a compliment. She just glanced at the man coldly,

“Well, you blocked my way.”

The man raised his eyebrows in surprise. It was the first time in so many years that a woman had not been moved after seeing his face. She even asked him to leave indifferently.

This was interesting.

“I’m Eleanor Dryden. You are very cute, so I want to make friends with you,” Eleanor said with a smile.

Eleanor pushed a business card to Charlotte and showed her the watch on his wrist.

If it were anyone else, they might have found that the watch of Eleanor was worth a lot, but he happened to meet Charlotte, who had lost her memory and was not interested in these things at all.

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